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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sadness still in development and Nibris site to open nect week

Well well well...

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The site still isn't up? .........*sigh*....

I was really looking forward to hearing more information. I've been a supporter ever since I first heard this game, but now even my patience is wearing thinner...

even the site is a mystery

Nibris needs to go read the definition of soon. 2 years isn't soon. 2 months isn't soon. its either the site won't be up in a long time or you actually go by your word and say soon. Then when you give a definite date nothing happens.

im full of sadness, this site needs to be up soon,

Around the Network

I hope this games turns out to be real,I am looking forward to buy it.

ALRIGHT, the site is updated, come check it out guys!

They finally kept their promise. They updated their site, by fixing the "Nintento" error.

I hate you chrizum. ANyway this game most likely won't come, and if it does it will sell bad because nobody cares anymore.

Actually they made that change a few days ago, someone already posted about that in this thread I believe..

Anyways they still have tomorrow, right?

I will play this alongside my copy of Shenmue III and Starcraft Ghost on the Phantom Console.