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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGO - Body Damage Debate..

rocketpig said:
cwbys21 said:

Is there 5 maps? I've played for a couple hours (after my PS3 decided it likes being connected to the internet after installing the latest update from a flash drive) and only played on 4 maps.

Oh and RocketPig, please, tell us how you really feel.

And yes the body damage is messed up, I emptied a clip from an AK into somebody from behind and he didn't die, lucky for me I was able to empty a second clip into him before he was able to get to many shots into me. I actually switched to an M4 because it killed people more easily in the actual game and it didn't help, so I am just using the generic rifle that costs no drebin points because of the laser sight, easier to head shot with it.

No kidding. After being a big fan of the M4 in almost every game I've ever played (including MGS4), I have found the M4 in MGO to be entirely useless. It's as if the gun is firing nerf bullets and I may as well throw the weapon at someone as fire it; I may do more damage that way.


You're crazy, M4 is the only gun I use and I do just fine.


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Indeed, Aj_habfan...I think rocketpig has a lot to learn about MGO =)

If you're complaining about people being able to take too many bullets you must be new to gaming.

Welcome. Now shut up and play or don't.

I'm surprised you guys are bitching so much about how long it takes to drop people, go play CoD4 and use the silenced AK-47, that gun takes 15+ shots to kill a guy at 15feet in the mid section with stopping power. Or try to use the P90, 50 bullet clips will get you 3 kills on average. I've even seen guys take 4shots from the Barret before they die.

What? its easy to kill people in mgs, maybe if you added rifle in your skill bar you would be able to hit the enemy? its not hard to sneak up on people nor is it hard to kill people. Mgo is not boring being a noob is boring. Its not the best online game i've played but its certaintly one of the best. If you want to complain about body damage, take a look at halo. It takes 60 hits with the smg to kill one guy. And still halo 2 is the best online games imo

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The damage didn't detract from the fun to much for me. While it was annoying at first, sneaking up behind a guy in putting a ton of lead in him, only to reload and have him get a headshot, it wasn't a big deal. It just motivated me to get better at headshots, and now im getting better at it (if only slightly)

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison