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Forums - Sales Discussion - Best game commercials

I see a difference in opinion by what people think is "best". There's many who have shown us funny or even hilarious commercials, and then there's people like me who have shown more serious commercials.



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=O I just saw the Mario baseball commercial just this minute

I see they have decided to drop the "wii would like to play" part...

Mercenaries 2 is my favorite one for a recent console. The original Smash Bros. and Gears Of War 2.

No mention of the Quake Wars ads? These are funny! ....right??

Action Satisfaction:

Projectile Dysfunction:

I really liked the gears one

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I had never seen the Star Fox 64 one, man that was hilarious for the whole 10 minutes it lasted :)

The Gears of War commercial was was the MGS4 one not long ago....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

its not a game commercial but the PS3 "universe of entertainment" ad is awsome :