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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Tales demo up on marketplace. 360 JRPG domination continues?

rocketpig said:

Skeeuk, I like how you naturally assume that nearly every 360 JRPG is going to the PS3, despite absolutely no news of that being true. On the other hand, you don't mention that it's possible the 360 could get a few of the PS3's exclusive JRPGs in the future.

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan. A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site.

If you're going to create a list of games, at least try to hide your bias a little better. While I have no doubt that some of those games will ultimately end up multiplatform, you're talking about 2009 Xbox releases that won't see the light of day on the PS3 until 2010 at the earliest.

Really, there's nothing to argue about here. Out of the consoles, the 360 virtually has the JRPG genre locked up until 2010. I don't see how that's even in doubt at this point. When the PS3 is getting its third JRPG, the 360 will have roughly ten. And if any console is going to blow by the 360, it will be the Wii.

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

regarding eternal sonata a very very poorly recived exclusive(timed) title, although its a definate japan release, it could be possible if it sells well on ps3 in japan, it could make it outside japan.

what? xbox 2009 releases that wont see the light of day until 2010 on ps3 at least, i say the same as you said "despite absolutly no news of that being true"

you say 360 rpg genre locked until 2010? how do you know that for sure? im afraid to break the news to you that you have fallen into that "it will always be like that syndrome" trap. in where you have made yourself belive that 360 will always and always be ahead no matter what. when ps3 will have surged ahead or at least overtaken 360, with a solid install base in japan do you not think developers will work on rpg`s for ps3.

the games i mentioned will arrive on ps3 and will sell more copies on ps3 by then, as far as im concerned 360 only has 1 future exclusive in infinite discovery which will be a good game but its no final fantasy.

final fantasy 13

final fantasy versus

valkyre chronicles

white knight story


those above games are a far more worth than the 3 exclusives on 360 infinite discovery, blue dragon & lost oddesee the rest will be multiplat from initial list.


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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I say we need a Leisure Suit Larry rpg. The Japs would eat that shit up.

Skeeuk said:
rocketpig said:

Skeeuk, I like how you naturally assume that nearly every 360 JRPG is going to the PS3, despite absolutely no news of that being true. On the other hand, you don't mention that it's possible the 360 could get a few of the PS3's exclusive JRPGs in the future.

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan. A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site.

If you're going to create a list of games, at least try to hide your bias a little better. While I have no doubt that some of those games will ultimately end up multiplatform, you're talking about 2009 Xbox releases that won't see the light of day on the PS3 until 2010 at the earliest.

Really, there's nothing to argue about here. Out of the consoles, the 360 virtually has the JRPG genre locked up until 2010. I don't see how that's even in doubt at this point. When the PS3 is getting its third JRPG, the 360 will have roughly ten. And if any console is going to blow by the 360, it will be the Wii.

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

regarding eternal sonata a very very poorly recived exclusive(timed) title, although its a definate japan release, it could be possible if it sells well on ps3 in japan, it could make it outside japan.

what? xbox 2009 releases that wont see the light of day until 2010 on ps3 at least, i say the same as you said "despite absolutly no news of that being true"

you say 360 rpg genre locked until 2010? how do you know that for sure? im afraid to break the news to you that you have fallen into that "it will always be like that syndrome" trap. in where you have made yourself belive that 360 will always and always be ahead no matter what. when ps3 will have surged ahead or at least overtaken 360, with a solid install base in japan do you not think developers will work on rpg`s for ps3.

the games i mentioned will arrive on ps3 and will sell more copies on ps3 by then, as far as im concerned 360 only has 1 future exclusive in infinite discovery which will be a good game but its no final fantasy.

final fantasy 13

final fantasy versus

valkyre chronicles

white knight story


those above games are a far more worth than the 3 exclusives on 360 infinite discovery, blue dragon & lost oddesee the rest will be multiplat from initial list.


Orange: Timed exclusives don't release on another system two months later. With those games being 2009 releases for the Xbox, common sense dictates that the PS3 sees them in 2010, if at all. Besides, a few of those haven't even been announced for the PS3 yet and the Star Ocean developers mentioned that they have "no plans" on ever making a PS3 version. Who is making logical assumptions here and who isn't?

Green: Huh? Do you expect 10 JPRGs to materialize out of nowhere in the next six months? JRPG development schedules are long. If it hasn't even been anounced yet, there is virtually no chance of it releasing before 2010.

Blue: You're not making much sense. What does "the 360 virtually has the JRPG genre locked up until 2010" mean to you? That it will stay that way forever? Am I somehow not typing that sentence clearly enough?

PS. You're also ignoring Blue Dragon 2 and Cry On, two additional Mistwalker titles supposedly slated for the 360. It's not as if Mistwalker stopped making games once they finished BD and LO.

Anyway, I've been hearing "PS3 dominance this, PS3 dominance that" for two years now. It's 2008. It's time for PS3 owners to pull their heads out of the sand and appreciate the console for what it is, not what they want it to be. Things aren't going to magically flip 180 degrees in Japan and right now, Sony isn't going to get JRPG exclusives unless they start opening their pocketbook.

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rocketpig said:

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually your statement "don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan". A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site. official statement “We have no plans to release the game on the PS3 in the US at this moment.” ???????    could possibly be released, i think mabey

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

ff13 will be released in 2009, what will you say then when it does?

i think il quote you the blue text when that time arrives:)


...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk said:
rocketpig said:

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually your statement "don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan". A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site. official statement “We have no plans to release the game on the PS3 in the US at this moment.” ??????? could possibly be released, i think mabey

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

ff13 will be released in 2009, what will you say then when it does?

i think il quote you the blue text when that time arrives:)


Go ahead and quote away. After all, "there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009" is really putting my reputation on the line... God forbid, I questioned that a game we haven't seen new footage for in a year might not release in the west in the next 15 months. How silly of me.

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To me 360 won't dominate this genre until it racks up the big sales for them. Just buying the titles isn't enough - they have to sell well globally vs similar games on other consoles.

At the end of the day while the 360 might tie up more through throwing money around I still wonder about the potential of the console in this genre vs titles on PS3 and Wii.

For example I'd expect the big titles (such as FF) on PS3 to demolish 360 titles in Japan and to sell at least as well outside Japan.

Still, an interesting tactic by MS to try and really pull this genre to the 360 while cutting off supply (or at least limiting it) for competitors.

Although if I was them I'd save all the money I presume this and buying other exclusives is costing them and use it to fuel at least a small price cut in US - but I guess I'm not in charge of 360 strategy!

The console already has a great library but it is being beaten WW by PS3 most weeks and killed by Wii and I think a lower pricepoint would drive more console sales than pumping more money into the games library.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Awwww....Rocket buddy, your math sucks dude. End of 2009 is 18 months away. Anyway please continue your debate.


Torillian said:
Awwww....Rocket buddy, your math sucks dude. End of 2009 is 18 months away. Anyway please continue your debate.

Dammit, that's what I get for using the 10 key while typing. 15, 18, whatever... It don't matter. :D

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rocketpig said:
Skeeuk said:
rocketpig said:

In fact, Namco has mentioned that they actually your statement "don't have any plans of bringing ES to the PS3 outside of Japan". A lot of good that does PS3 owners on this site. official statement “We have no plans to release the game on the PS3 in the US at this moment.” ??????? could possibly be released, i think mabey

Shit, there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009, much less Versus...

ff13 will be released in 2009, what will you say then when it does?

i think il quote you the blue text when that time arrives:)


Go ahead and quote away. After all, "there's not even any kind of guarantee that the western world will see FFXIII in 2009" is really putting my reputation on the line... God forbid, I questioned that a game we haven't seen new footage for in a year might not release in the west in the next 15 months. How silly of me.

I thougt Square was pushing for simultaneous worldwide releases for their big games from now on.


^I've heard that too and I'll believe it when I see it. For something as dialogue and text-heavy as a JRPG, that's a mighty tough goal to accomplish. Japanese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German... Ugh. I can only imagine the amount of teams it would take to accomplish such a thing.

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