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Forums - Sony Discussion - Research Says PS3 Appeals To Older Folks, not Wii.

Gosh said:

According a new study (yet another!) there's an age difference between the customers who purchase the Xbox 360 and the PS3. The study, from Experian Consumer Research, states that the Xbox 360 appeals most to gamers 35-44 years-old, while the PS3 appeals to folks 45 years-old and up. And the Wii? According to the study, that console appeals to those aged 18-24 years-old. The control group apparently was made up of "new media respondents" (bwah?) who were defined as those who spend more than an hour online each week.


NEW YORK, NY -- 06/19/08 -- Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 continue to be amongst the most popular video game consoles, so taking an in-depth look at the consumers who purchase these consoles is beneficial to any company looking to tap into the video game market.

Experian Consumer Research recently found while differences exist between these gamers and the general consumer population, there are also differences between consumers who bought Xbox 360 and those who bought PlayStation 3. One such difference is the age range of consumers who purchase the consoles, with PlayStation appealing to an older crowd and Xbox being favored amongst younger gamers. Since all gamers in general are not identical in their preferences, awareness of these differences in the consumer population is important when trying to reach specific consumers through video games. Similarities between the two consumer populations have also been found, such as comparable media preferences.

Video game technology continues to improve, meaning that video games are not going to be outdated anytime soon. On the contrary, video games are now appealing to more and more people and growing in popularity with a wider age range. Being aware of the characteristics of gamers of all types and will be beneficial to companies trying to reach this consumer segment.

These and other characteristics of consumers who purchase Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 can be viewed in the Free Download.

Experian Consumer Research is the Home of Simmons, the Voice of the American Consumer(TM) for over 50 years, and delivers the full suite of Simmons products and services. It is a full service, market and consumer research organization dedicated to enabling clients to optimize communications with their customers and prospects across multiple channels by providing a robust description of the American Consumer. For more information, visit,440048.shtml

A new study out today by Experian Consumer Research concluded there are differences between consumers who purchased the PS3 and those who purchased the Xbox 360. The biggest difference being that while the Xbox 360 appeals the most to gamers who are 35-44, the PS3 appeals to the more senior demographic of 45 and up. The study also finds that youngsters ages 18-24 prefer the Nintendo Wii. Finally, the study uses "new media respondents" as a control group, defined as those who spend more than one hour online per week.

This study doesn't tell us anything we don't already know; they don't state any specific numbers in their press release and the presentation you can download basically concludes that there are no differences between PS3 owners and 360 owners except for age. After seeing a sample of their rudimentary research, if we were a company looking for statistics to help us market to gamers, we'd stay away from them.

So what do you own?

This should be edited to state: "older tech-savvy folk" because the older people who can't even use windows xp, because they were long past their prime when computers came around, could only handle a wii.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I think its pretty common sense that the Wii is in front of the youngest chunk of the demo...and that Xbox is usually the 15-25yr old console of choice, and PS3 is the 25+ (just rough numbers based on the research that came out recently).

For the most part 30yr old males are not lining up to play mario kart...just not how it is...and 10 yr olds' parents are not buying them GTAIV or MGS4...




PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)

Anecdotally, I seem to see a lot of middle-aged people buying or wanting Wiis.
Of course, whether it is for them or their children is another matter.

But it is impossible to conclude much of anything about the accuracy of this research given the lack of information on its methods.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


GodofWine said:

I think its pretty common sense that the Wii is in front of the youngest chunk of the demo...and that Xbox is usually the 15-25yr old console of choice, and PS3 is the 25+ (just rough numbers based on the research that came out recently).

For the most part 30yr old males are not lining up to play mario kart...just not how it is...and 10 yr olds' parents are not buying them GTAIV or MGS4...



Please link me your source, or tell me this "common sense".


Man, somebody needs to tell all those millions of older people who bought Wiis that they screwed up!

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this is the best thread ive ever read i give this a 9 out of 10

I believe this is true.

So now you guys can't say Wii is only played by grannies and soccer mommas :P

The article Fail and badly

This article is full of holes, btw. I'll allow you to point them out for yourselves.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.