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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - gameplayer was@Too Human event lastnight(Too Human might turn out like Haze

I haven't been too impressed by the gameplay videos, but I guess we'll see what happens when it launches.

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steverhcp02 said:
This game has all the tell tale signs of failure. Lack of info after showing in game playable stuff. Countless delays spanning multiple systems. Drama between Epic and SK playing a finger pointing game, shows frustration on SK end. Sure you can say they switched engines, yadayadayada but this game is going to flop.

Regardless of trying to point out the tiniest bit of "cherry picking" or some other idiot 4 year old phrase, step back and just accept this game has a 5% chance of being good based on everything thats happened in its lifetime.


Wow, you are an inspiration to those of us that actually wait until a game is released to be 95% sure the game is good or not.  Would you mind going through the catalog of future 360, PS3, and Wii games and let us all know which onces are going to be good since you have a 95% confidence ratio on games that haven't been released yet?  It will save me a lot of time.   Thanks.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

See this is the thing. There have been several hand-on sessions over the last three months, and they have been universally positive.

Maybe the game doesn't appeal to Australians. If thats the case, I probably shouldn't pick it up

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
See this is the thing. There have been several hand-on sessions over the last three months, and they have been universally positive.

Maybe the game doesn't appeal to Australians. If thats the case, I probably shouldn't pick it up

Exactly, IGN, Gamespot and Joystick all have had really positive to things to say about this game.  I think the problem is that many people are confusing this game with something it is not.  It is NOT a hack and slash game like DMC, NG or GOW.  It is an Action RPG which focusing on loot and customization.  For example, how boring was Diablo for gameplay?  You clicked two buttons for gods sake.  The game however, is a masterpiece. 

This is the same notion that Too Human takes on.  If reviewers look at the game for what it is I am sure they could provide a more accurate review.  If you are a hack and slash fan, wrong game to pick up.


Just wait for the game. Everything above 8 is good for me. Army of Two got less than 7 from gamespot and is one of my best games this year.

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Neos said:
Okay, I'll change my mind, are the fanboys.

Don't worry, the game will be good..



What is wrong with all these guys. Is it some kind of new habit? Bashing a game to gain some hits on your lame site? 2 hours that didn't actually see nothing and they talking crap? and, starcraft, even if they answer negatively the question they put themselves concerning the comparison with Haze, still, it is the most stupid way (or the most provocative?) to title a preview.

I strongly believe that it will be a great game, and what I've seen thus far justifies my opinion. And I laugh to all those well known, NON Western action RPG fans that say the game will be disappointing.

I strongly believe that FFXIII will be disappointing and ridiculous. FOR ME! Because I hate JRPGs. Is it logical to roam every bloody thread and tell my irrelevant opinion about a genre that I despise?

starcraft said:
SpartanFX said:


they said much worse stuff that I did not mention.


and finished with something optimistic about the game,,,,which is very much unlike you when you find something negative about PS3

The last PS3 thread I posted in.  A few hours ago btw, so you know I didn't do it just for your benefit.

At the end of the day, you presented a modified version of a question that article asked in STATEMENT form.  You then proceeded to list negative quotes from the article.  The end result is painting the picture that Too Human has become Haze.  No doubt in an attempt to stave off people like me and Neos who might call you out, you listed you're "one reviewer liked it" comment in such a way as to create the impression they were an outlier, out of step with common opinion.

If I had done something REMOTELY like this with a PS3 exclusive, you would have been on me like a fat person on cake.



Remotly like this? You did far worse. You made a thread dedicated to Haze becoming the next Lair, except you had even less evidence for it then he did.


I hope this game doesn't suck but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it did. Maybe not on the Epic Fail level of Lair, but I could definitely see a Haze-esque shitfest of a game getting released.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Aj_habfan said:

Remotly like this? You did far worse. You made a thread dedicated to Haze becoming the next Lair, except you had even less evidence for it then he did.

Forgive me, I may be wrong.  But didn't I make that thread AFTER Haze DID turn out to be the next Lair?

Its just your argument trips up a bit when the person your having a go at turned out to be right..........


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS