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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Once the PS3 reaches $299

blazinhead89 said:
Bodhesatva said:
largedarryl said:
blazinhead89 said:
$299 and games like GT5 , FFXIII, LBP, and Release of home would see a huge increase in hardware sales esp Japan, Price is a really important factor for god sake if PS3 launched at $199 it would of sold like crazy

And Sony would have also declared bankruptcy.


I also don't think Japan is a very price sensitive market, imo.  They do tend to spend large amounts of money on new trendy technology, but they are really size, image and power conscientious (again entirely my opinion on Japanese culture).

Exactly. People seem to like the fact that the PS3 is technologically advanced; this advancement is the exact reason the price is so high.

You can't have it both ways simultaneously, folks. Asking for a 199.99 PS3 is either asking for 1) Sony to go bankrupt or 2) the PS3 to be much more like the Wii than it is the 360. Since many of the most ardent PS3 fans seems to dislike the Wii's tech specs, I assume none of these solutions are palatable to you.

Next week: Corvette sells all their cars for 1,000 dollars a piece. Their market share would reach 90%+ in less than a month! What could possibly go wrong!



im not asking for a 199 dollar console or the specs of 1 im just hypothetically thinking, jeez, but at some point PS3 will be $199, jeez some people have an answer for everything


I didn't mean to be cruel, it's just not a hypothetical with any bearing in reality. Yes, 1 dollar PS3s would outsell the Wii. PCs that cost .01 dollars would sell even better than that. 1 dollar Corvettes would rule the world.

The technology is the reason the PS3 costs so much, and the reason the PS3 costs so much is that it's so high tech. You can do whatever you want in your imagination, but realistically that will never, ever change.

When the PS3 finally really is 199.99, there will be something newer and much better on the market that we can all drool over.">">

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FilaBrasileiro said:
HappySqurriel said:
Lord N said:
HappySqurriel said:

The PS2 and XBox launched at $450 in Canada, currently the PS3 is $400 and the XBox 360 is (essentially) $300; they're both getting destroyed by the Wii ...

In other words, it is foolish to assume that the PS3's only (or even main) problem is its price. The fact is that the PS3 is currently in a price range (worldwide) that people are comfortable paying for electronics that they truely desire, and will justify the cost if it really apeals to them; the PS3 really does not appeal to people on the same level as the PS2 did when it was released.


In what world?

$400 and especially the launch price of $500-$600 is far more than what most people are willing to pay for a video game console no matter what it does. The vast majority of all consoles were sold at a price of $200-$300 dollars whereas consoles priced above that have done rather poorly. The fact that the PS3 and 360 with their rather slow sales are the best selling consoles at their respective price points should tell you a lot.

Had the PS3 launched at $299, whether it would have been able to outsell the Wii is up for debate(personally, I think the Wii would still be outselling it), but it's pretty obvious that its sales would be a hell of a lot higher than what they are right now.



People seem to be able to find $500 when a peice of electronics that they desire ...

I'm not saying that people are used to spending $500 for a console, but people also weren't used to spending $400 on a MP3 player before the iPod was released ...



Did you notice how fast the iphone and itouch dropped in price? And that's on a product that a lot more people buy. Most people just aren't willing to pay $400+ for an electronic device.

On the other hand, Fila, the Iphone has actually been losing market share, even with the price drops. I'm not sure comparisons to the Iphone are going to suit the purpose you had in mind here, because the iPhone indicates that marketshare doesn't increase much (or actually decreases?) with reductions in price. That's always been true with Video Games, too, of course (Neo Geo, CD-i, 3D0, and other highly expensive systems never exploded in sales after their prices dropped).">">

Kasz216 said:
Staude said:
Bodhesatva said:
Sky Render said:
Actually, Bodhesatva, third place contenders rising to second place is not unprecedented. In fact, it happened just last generation: the XBOX surpassed the GameCube, in spite of the GameCube's early lead on it. Granted, that happened much faster, but it was the same basic effect.


Rising to second place wasn't the part that I considered unprecedented: tripling sales is. Xbox passed Gamecube as a turtle passes a snail: the Xbox slowly but gradually outsold it.

By contrast, the PS3 has tripled its sales in a single region YoY, and doubled its sales YoY in another (Japan, not so much). The Xbox and particularly the Gamecube experienced stagnant sales worldwide by this time in the generation; the PS2 was on its way up, while the Xbox/GC were dwindling downwards, as the winner became clear. This time, the Wii is on its way up... and the PS3 is on its way up, too. That is unusual.


i agree.. this generation is very different.. it also comes to effect that the society is now different then what it used too.


You can't count the trippelicious out just yet :P .. the market shows quite the contrary actually.

See the Sega Saturn.

If by this time next year the PS3 hasn't fallen off sales wise. Then you can say differently. As such however it's currently trending just like the Saturn.

Ok first year... awesome second year... third year drop.

The PS3 does have one advantage that other consoles in last didn't have though.

Blu-ray... not from a "Hey blu-ray is cool lets buy it" type way...

But a "retailers have invesed heavily in blu-ray but it's not living up to it's perdicted sales potential."

The PS3 is a good way to move blu-ray players so it will get more retail support then other consoles in it's place.

I mean look at the quasi $100 pricecut Wal-mart gave it and other players.

Though that didn't look like it increased sales much.



I thought I read somewhere that Blu Ray was on pace or just about on pace with DVD at the same point in their lifecycle. Has that changed at all? Anyways Saturn was a failure with little 3rd party support outside of Japan, the PS3's main problem is in Japan, I don't think it's fair to compare.

Nothing will change. Game library is sub par for the most part, and that won't change until the very earliest next year. Its game library is honestly comparable if not worse then the GameCube offerings in the same time frame. Plus, when it drops to 300, Wii will be 150. Honestly, in the long run reliability isn't as big of a deal as you would think; PS1 and PS2 were notoriously unreliable, and the 360 has still sold very well in America. Plus, PSN will still be worse than XBL, no contest.

Bodhesatva said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
The total is 200% as high as the first year, and so it is 100% higher. So the increase is 100%!

The numbers all start at 100%, so a 200% increase would be 300% as high as the original number!


Oh my goodness gracious, why are people challenging this? I hope this is a joke, Rubang (is it?)

The European figures are three times as high as they were last year at this time. Not two times, three times. Some people refer to this as "thrice" or "triple." Mathematically speaking, that is an increase of 200%. The US region, however, has an increase of 100%, as you indicated. I have never in this thread suggested that the US, Japanese, or worldwide sales increases are 200%. Let me break it down. Let's just keep this simple. The approximate increases are:

Japan: 0%
US: 100%
EU: 200%

Can we just drop this now? Why is anyone challenging me on something that I am unquestionably correct about? We have the data right in front of us. It's right here on the site! That's all I did!

I haven't checked the data, but are you sure Japan is at 0%? I would've guessed it's at a minus YoY compared to last '07


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I think that at 299 the PS3 would have a real shot at the Wii.Even if the Wii lowers its price too.Reducing the price from 250 to 200 or 175 its not the same as reducing it from 400 to under the psichological 300 mark.
The only other thing that Sony would have to do is release a BC enables SKU for Japan ,and maybe a PS3-Slim or PSthree.

It is approximately -4% or so last I checked, Fila. That's why I said "approximately."">">

Just to get some perspective on this:

PS3 at 600 dollars/euros:some 50 000 units weekly worlwide.

PS3 at 500 dollars in USA and 600 with Starter Pack in Europe:Sales around 80-90K units weekly.

PS3 at 400 dollars:average of 150-160K units weekly with peaks of 200.000 when some big games is released (even more with MGS4 and GT5 P).

So yes ,if they reduce the price again they will get another boost.No arguing here ,reality speaks for itself.

FilaBrasileiro said:
Kasz216 said:
Staude said:
Bodhesatva said:
Sky Render said:
Actually, Bodhesatva, third place contenders rising to second place is not unprecedented. In fact, it happened just last generation: the XBOX surpassed the GameCube, in spite of the GameCube's early lead on it. Granted, that happened much faster, but it was the same basic effect.


Rising to second place wasn't the part that I considered unprecedented: tripling sales is. Xbox passed Gamecube as a turtle passes a snail: the Xbox slowly but gradually outsold it.

By contrast, the PS3 has tripled its sales in a single region YoY, and doubled its sales YoY in another (Japan, not so much). The Xbox and particularly the Gamecube experienced stagnant sales worldwide by this time in the generation; the PS2 was on its way up, while the Xbox/GC were dwindling downwards, as the winner became clear. This time, the Wii is on its way up... and the PS3 is on its way up, too. That is unusual.


i agree.. this generation is very different.. it also comes to effect that the society is now different then what it used too.


You can't count the trippelicious out just yet :P .. the market shows quite the contrary actually.

See the Sega Saturn.

If by this time next year the PS3 hasn't fallen off sales wise. Then you can say differently. As such however it's currently trending just like the Saturn.

Ok first year... awesome second year... third year drop.

The PS3 does have one advantage that other consoles in last didn't have though.

Blu-ray... not from a "Hey blu-ray is cool lets buy it" type way...

But a "retailers have invesed heavily in blu-ray but it's not living up to it's perdicted sales potential."

The PS3 is a good way to move blu-ray players so it will get more retail support then other consoles in it's place.

I mean look at the quasi $100 pricecut Wal-mart gave it and other players.

Though that didn't look like it increased sales much.



I thought I read somewhere that Blu Ray was on pace or just about on pace with DVD at the same point in their lifecycle. Has that changed at all? Anyways Saturn was a failure with little 3rd party support outside of Japan, the PS3's main problem is in Japan, I don't think it's fair to compare.

They weren't on the same pace as DVD.... and never were to my knowledge.

Basically HD-DVD died and people expected a surge... and their was... but there was no follow through.

Blu-ray sales went up.... then went down to actually lower weekly sell rates then when it was facing HD-DVD... and has since slowly been etching up.

This wasn't expected so a lot of companies put a lot of money epecting blu-ray adoption to be happening a lot quicker.

Stores of course want Blu-ray entrenced for HD over things like direct downloads because things like direct downloads bypass them.

Stores Pushing PS3's makes a lot of sense for this as well as 43% of PS3 owners apparently watch Blu-ray movies at least once a month according to NPD. (A remarkably high figure if you ask me.)

This Christmas will likely be vital to see if Blu-ray is the next DVD or Laser Disc.

ikilledkenny said:
Nothing will change. Game library is sub par for the most part, and that won't change until the very earliest next year. Its game library is honestly comparable if not worse then the GameCube offerings in the same time frame. Plus, when it drops to 300, Wii will be 150. Honestly, in the long run reliability isn't as big of a deal as you would think; PS1 and PS2 were notoriously unreliable, and the 360 has still sold very well in America. Plus, PSN will still be worse than XBL, no contest.


 Game library sub par?

Compared to what ?

Not to the Wii in any case,and it is beating already the other console.

Look a bit in Gamerankings about PS3 and Wii software before coming saying such nonsenses.PS3 has nearly 3 times as many games rated 80% or higher.And even from those some of the Wii ones are old generation straight ports.

GTA4 ,MGS4 ,Gran Turismo 5 Prologue ,Uncharted ,Unreal III ,Call of Duty 4,Ratchet and Clank ,DMC4 ,Resistence ,Race Driver GRID,Colin Mc Rae DIRT ,Orange Box ,Assasins Creed ,Fifa 08,Everybodys Golf ,Eye of Judgement ,Folklore ,Civilization Revolution ,DragonballZ Burst Limit,Virtua Tennis 3,Virtua Fighter 5,Warhawk ,Singstar ,Burnout Paradise ,Tiger Woods ,Madden 08 ,NBA 2K 08 ,NHL 2008 ,GRAW2 ,Rainbow Six Vegas ,The Darkness,Ninja Gaiden Sigma ,Motorstorm,Condemned 2,Dark Sector,Fight Night Round 3.......

...if thats sub-par I hope you dont ever see whats on the shelves on the Wii.