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blazinhead89 said:
Bodhesatva said:
largedarryl said:
blazinhead89 said:
$299 and games like GT5 , FFXIII, LBP, and Release of home would see a huge increase in hardware sales esp Japan, Price is a really important factor for god sake if PS3 launched at $199 it would of sold like crazy

And Sony would have also declared bankruptcy.


I also don't think Japan is a very price sensitive market, imo.  They do tend to spend large amounts of money on new trendy technology, but they are really size, image and power conscientious (again entirely my opinion on Japanese culture).

Exactly. People seem to like the fact that the PS3 is technologically advanced; this advancement is the exact reason the price is so high.

You can't have it both ways simultaneously, folks. Asking for a 199.99 PS3 is either asking for 1) Sony to go bankrupt or 2) the PS3 to be much more like the Wii than it is the 360. Since many of the most ardent PS3 fans seems to dislike the Wii's tech specs, I assume none of these solutions are palatable to you.

Next week: Corvette sells all their cars for 1,000 dollars a piece. Their market share would reach 90%+ in less than a month! What could possibly go wrong!



im not asking for a 199 dollar console or the specs of 1 im just hypothetically thinking, jeez, but at some point PS3 will be $199, jeez some people have an answer for everything


I didn't mean to be cruel, it's just not a hypothetical with any bearing in reality. Yes, 1 dollar PS3s would outsell the Wii. PCs that cost .01 dollars would sell even better than that. 1 dollar Corvettes would rule the world.

The technology is the reason the PS3 costs so much, and the reason the PS3 costs so much is that it's so high tech. You can do whatever you want in your imagination, but realistically that will never, ever change.

When the PS3 finally really is 199.99, there will be something newer and much better on the market that we can all drool over.">">