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Kasz216 said:
Staude said:
Bodhesatva said:
Sky Render said:
Actually, Bodhesatva, third place contenders rising to second place is not unprecedented. In fact, it happened just last generation: the XBOX surpassed the GameCube, in spite of the GameCube's early lead on it. Granted, that happened much faster, but it was the same basic effect.


Rising to second place wasn't the part that I considered unprecedented: tripling sales is. Xbox passed Gamecube as a turtle passes a snail: the Xbox slowly but gradually outsold it.

By contrast, the PS3 has tripled its sales in a single region YoY, and doubled its sales YoY in another (Japan, not so much). The Xbox and particularly the Gamecube experienced stagnant sales worldwide by this time in the generation; the PS2 was on its way up, while the Xbox/GC were dwindling downwards, as the winner became clear. This time, the Wii is on its way up... and the PS3 is on its way up, too. That is unusual.


i agree.. this generation is very different.. it also comes to effect that the society is now different then what it used too.


You can't count the trippelicious out just yet :P .. the market shows quite the contrary actually.

See the Sega Saturn.

If by this time next year the PS3 hasn't fallen off sales wise. Then you can say differently. As such however it's currently trending just like the Saturn.

Ok first year... awesome second year... third year drop.

The PS3 does have one advantage that other consoles in last didn't have though.

Blu-ray... not from a "Hey blu-ray is cool lets buy it" type way...

But a "retailers have invesed heavily in blu-ray but it's not living up to it's perdicted sales potential."

The PS3 is a good way to move blu-ray players so it will get more retail support then other consoles in it's place.

I mean look at the quasi $100 pricecut Wal-mart gave it and other players.

Though that didn't look like it increased sales much.



I thought I read somewhere that Blu Ray was on pace or just about on pace with DVD at the same point in their lifecycle. Has that changed at all? Anyways Saturn was a failure with little 3rd party support outside of Japan, the PS3's main problem is in Japan, I don't think it's fair to compare.