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Forums - Sales Discussion - Bioshock has sold over a million on the PC...

I can see some games selling over a millon on the pc easy, Half life 2, world of warcraft and what not but speaking from my point a view. I used to be a advid PC gamer for years because wile I still would have the consule my PC had more for me, but over the years and hunderds spent on upgrading my PC very 2 1/2 years I stop. yes I still have a pc but I cant play the new types of games that come out so I just get them for my 360, so what I am trying to say is that I think a lot of people that used to be pc games just aren't and wile you will get games that will sell over a millon you just dont get as much as there used to be.

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Slimebeast said:

I strongly doubt Bioshock sold 1 mill. Chris Taylor from Nvidia is hardly a credible source.

You have no basis for that statement.  It's quite ludicrous.  nVidia is a very credible source, and has been releasing accurate data for years.

Is this including digital distribution services aswell? If not, then they probably made more money from the pc release then the 360 release.

EDIT I did some searching and all I could find was that PC Gamer UK announced that crysis sold 3 million. If it has infact sold that much then that would explain why their next release is still pc exclusive.

Mainstream PC gaming is dying, but the hardcore base which is quite large is still kicking quite vibrantly, as this proves.

As long as they keep on making a Sims expansion daily PC gaming isn't going to die...

Anyway, if was a given that Bioshock would break the million mark on the PC. They recently lowered the price to $19.99 so expect even higher sales. I'm stating the obvious but I have to pay respects to such a great game.

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What pc has is a really really hardcore market (which is quite large in Europe and Asia), an indie market and a massive casual market. Its very decentralised though and thus pretty much impossible to track so no-one really knows how bit it is.

I'm not really surprised, PC games are really cheap, i saw Crysis and many other high profile newer PC games for $20 today. Who could turn down a deal like that if you are a PC gamer. PC companies also have the advantage because they don't need to deal with people renting games, and buying them used from Blockbuster, gamestop, ebgames and the 100's of other places that stock used games. Out of the people i know most of the games are bought second hand, or from rental stores.

FaRmLaNd said:

What pc has is a really really hardcore market (which is quite large in Europe and Asia), an indie market and a massive casual market. Its very decentralised though and thus pretty much impossible to track so no-one really knows how bit it is.

Exactly, the point I was going to make.

But to seperate it further here are all the revenue streams of PC games (and what the future of console gaming will come to represent):

Trackable Stats:

1.  Boxed Game Sales (Crysis, BioShock, Call of Duty 4, etc).


Untrackable Stats:

1.  Microtransactions (The Sims)

2.  Advertising (Webtanget and all of the flash games)

3.  MMO's (World of Warcraft)

4.  Digital Downloads (Steam)


Back when Boxed Game Sales were the only way Game Companies made money ... well PC was growing.  Now that PC have evolved to incorporate 4 new ways to make money ... NPD hasnt.  Thats why when all stats are revealed, it is assumed PC Gaming is dead.  On the contrary, PC Gaming is by far the most PROFITABLE, the FASTEST growing, and the LARGEST gaming market.

1.  Blizzard has shown why it is the most profitable ...

2.  The number of online games avaliable, and pretty sure checking Alexia or other webtracking services will show how many people play some sort of games on the PC.

3.  And of course everyone has a PC so everyone is a potential gamer.  For example, If someone who doesnt play any games such as Crysis, or BioShock, but they play several hours of Bejeweled ... that is PC Gaming with advertising revenue.

Please keep in mind the above 3 applies to all the ways of making money, including the non-trackables.

naznatips said:
Slimebeast said:

I strongly doubt Bioshock sold 1 mill. Chris Taylor from Nvidia is hardly a credible source.

You have no basis for that statement. It's quite ludicrous. nVidia is a very credible source, and has been releasing accurate data for years.


Take2 latest report say that they shipped 2.2 million on PC and Xbox360 as of 31 May. Does this mean Xbox360 version just sold 1 million?

Compared to install base, if indeed one can call PC's around the globe that, most multiplatform games do horribly on the PC. See Call of Duty or Oblivion for instance. However; PC exclusive titles and sequels in long running series do very well in general, games like Half-Life, Civilization and Sims sell millions, not mindblowing numbers compared to having 3-4 billion PC's (allthough 75% of all PC's are a bit poor on gaming seeing as they're about 10-15 years old) but more than enough to warrant large budgets and long development times.