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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which has a better game line up for 2008 xbox360 or ps3

epinefridis said:
disolitude said:
I Perdict said:



For B. Left 4 Dead and Gears...Valve and Epic versus Insomniac and...umm... In any case, based on their previous shooter history Id rate these games in following order


1. Left 4 Dead, 2. Gears 2, 3. Resistance 2........ 34. Socom




Anyway, that would be my order if L4D was a solid single player experience. But unfortunately, as far as I'm aware of it isn't. So No 1 is Gears.

And what is it with R2. The first videos are out. I just watched the Chicago gameplay video. ...and?...what? Is this an anticipated shooter? (i'm not reffering to the multiplayer part). This seems like just another generic FPS (like the first Resistance was) . Can please anyone tell me, what was the mindblowing with this video? Please!

Nothing to say about SOCOM. It was the only ...decent  shooter along with the really bad Killzone 1 for PS2. Just like Resistance 1 for PS3. People were FORCED to play and like these games because nothing else existed! Call of Duty 2.... Best WW2 shooter ever... 360 launch title... 360 audience has much more elegant taste in shooters (oh! Half Life 2 on XBOX, Best FPS ever made)

Yes I watched that trailer to. Definately proves the previous clips of R2 was CGI. The game looks very bland and generic as you say. Also the Locust army in Gears is far better, especially if this Chicago video is anything to go by.



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Both have a great line-up. But I'm going with PS3 for now, it looks as though it is going to suit my tastes more. It's a shame because my 360 is going to waste.

Staude said:
The Playstation 3 does.. why ?

one simple thing

Tekken 6. Can't argue against the greatest fighter ever !
Never liked the non skill button bashing Tekken series. Soul Calibur is my fave beat em up by some margin.



I thikn the PS3 has the far superior lineup this year. Aside from Gears 2 and Too Human, there's really not much on the 360 that interests me. Splinter Cell, Halo Wars and Alan Wake won't land until 2009 and I really thought they were coming this year, so I'm quite disappointed. I don't think Tales of Vesperia or The Last Remnant arrive in Europe until 2009 either, but I may be wrong about that. But I hear MS are going to reveal 2 new games at E3 for their '08 lineup, so there's hope yet.
As for the PS3 I'm getting: Resistance 2, LBP, Motorstorm 2, Tekken 6, SOCOM, Valkyria Chronicles, Wipeout HD, Siren and anything else I've forgotten. Like MS, I'm sure Sony will reveal something else at E3 for their '08 lineup.


These are the only games i will be buying for the rest of the year;

-Too Human
-Fable 2
-Gears of War 2
-Banjo Kazooie
-Viva Pinata 2

I'm hoping Too Human will be good and Banjo.

The rest are franchises i've invested in before and enjoyed.

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starcraft said:
davygee said:

PS3 Exclusives for 2008:

  • Afrika
  • Disgaea 3
  • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
  • Heavy Rain
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
  • Resistance 2
  • Siren: Blood Curse
  • SOCOM: Confrontation
  • Tekken 6
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • White Knight Chronicles

XBOX 360 Exclusives for 2008:

  • Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
  • Fable II
  • Gears of War 2
  • Infinite Undiscovery
  • Ninja Gaiden II
  • Tales of Vesperia
  • Too Human
  • Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise

You can decide for yourselves what has the best lineup for 2008. The 360 has a few big hitters, especially GeOW2, but IMHO, the PS3 has overall the best lineup this year overall.

This is potentially the most biased and deceptive list I have ever seen.


Okay then...why don't you make it unbiased then!?


Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

Full XBOX 360 list for 2008 (42 games so far):

Full PS3 list (21 games so far):

Looks like Alone in the Dark 2008 will be incidentally timed 360/Wii exclusive

BrayanA said:

Full XBOX 360 list for 2008 (42 games so far):

Full PS3 list (21 games so far):

Looks like Alone in the Dark 2008 will be incidentally timed 360/Wii exclusive

I don't see a huge number of 360 exclusive titles in there though...most of the 360 games are PC games as well.

Also Alone in the Dark isn't a timed exclusive...the PS3 development is taking longer and the PS3 game will come out in September instead of this month or next.

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

davygee said:
BrayanA said:

Full XBOX 360 list for 2008 (42 games so far):

Full PS3 list (21 games so far):

Looks like Alone in the Dark 2008 will be incidentally timed 360/Wii exclusive

I don't see a huge number of 360 exclusive titles in there though...most of the 360 games are PC games as well.

Also Alone in the Dark isn't a timed exclusive...the PS3 development is taking longer and the PS3 game will come out in September instead of this month or next.

As far as they don't come to PS3 I'm happy about them. I don't mind even if some of them goes to Wii - Viva Pinata and B&K3. I have 360 cos I don't want to play on my PC. MS like the idea that all MGS games does to PC after 1, 2 or 3 years. They give freedom to developers to choose - only xbox or xbox and PC later. They own PC gaming after all. There is no Ninja Gaiden on PC, only because Tecmo don't care about PC.

"Looks like Alone in the Dark 2008 will be incidentally timed 360/Wii exclusive"
You are not so stupid, you know what I mean. Who knows it may stay incidentally exclusive just as Frontlines


SeriousWB said:
Squilliam said: 

 It RPG 360 > PS3 > PC


Really? PC is great for RPG's.



Please go learn math