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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which has a better game line up for 2008 xbox360 or ps3

coolestguyever said:
PS3 still even with MGS4 passing.

PS3: Resistance 2, Little big planet, SOCOM, Motorstorm 2, Dark Mist, The Agency, Home

360: Fable 2, Gears 2, Too human, Halo Wars, Left 4 Dead,

Obviously its your personal preference in the end. I love Socom and Resistance. Didn't like Gears. so obviously i think PS3's is better.


 Dark Mist?  It's a very small PSN game...  Also I'm not sure if Home should be listed with games since it's not one.  The Agency looks interesting but according to Sony's John Smedley it isn't coming out until next year: 

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The only PS3 I need to play is MGS4. After i'm done witg Gears 2 I'll get a PS3 for the games in 09.

Hawkeye said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Hawkeye said:
I think 360 does. Lineup implies it hasn't come out yet; PS3 has Disgaea 3, Socom, Resistance 2, and LBP
360 has tales of vesperia, Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts, Alan Wake, Viva Pinata 2 trouble in paradise, Fable 2, and Gears of War 2...

Umm... allow me to counter that statement... no it doesn't lol.


If it doesn't, then this year comes down to preference imo. PS3 has better shooter games and will have either a good/great or possible even the greatest platformer of all time. 360 is clearly better for RPGs this year, and Banjo and Viva look pretty good.


I know it's subjective. I was talking about the part of your post I highlighted.

If it wasn't for the JRPGs, I would say PS3 hands down. But since I am a JRPG addict, they've made it a bit harder for me.

For now I would still go with PS3, but when I'm done with MGS4/MGO and all my remaining PS2 JRPGs (still half a dozen of them such as Persona 3 FES, Odin Sphere, and Rogue Galaxy), White Knight Chronicles and Final Fantasy XIII better be out.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"

Legend11 said:
LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Legend11 said:

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

And there are other exclusives coming like Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, Zoids Assault, and others that I didn't bother adding to the list since they're relatively niche. Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Do you think enough people will remember the thing is even coming out for it to make a difference?


Microsoft will no doubt make sure everyone is aware of it.


How? They paid 50 mil for that crap and now they going to spend even more money on advertising! It's just plain stupid. And to think I own their stock. I think they should just leave it on the front page of the marketplace for a while.

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The 360 for me.

Lots of RPG's (Fable 2, too human, IU, tales)

A platformer that will either be amazing or underwhelming (banjo)

gears 2 (a must have)

Left 4 dead (valve > every other FPS developer on the planet)

And NG2

Ps3 is good aswell but not good enough for me to buy a second console.


Nothing in the xbox is catching my interest except Fable 2 since i really care for jRPG's at all.
And also since i will be playing metal gear online a bunch.



Let some you fanboyz calling out your exclusive game list....

First off, Tekken 6. When did suddenly become an exclusive champion. When KZ2 became Feb 2009. Come on. I am not saying Tekken 6 won't be a good game but lets be honest, it will be buried with the rest of the fighters that are coming out this year. But we will see...

Next, Banjo Kazooie. It feels like Ratchet and Clank all over again. Everyone said how incredible this game was going to be and it would be an exclusive that everyone with a PS3 will get. Then the game came out and it didn't do anything during the holidays. It just hit 1m WW in April. The same will be with Nutz and Boltz. And don't say it won't be like that because it Banjo Kazooie. The game is not on a Nintendo system, its on the X360, a totally different audience for a game that is not like it use to be. But we will see...

Now I give you Gears2, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Socom as these IPs performed exceptional well in the past. But the rest, you don't know until it comes out or do I have to point out Haze, NG2, Bloom Blox, No More Heroes, and bunch of IPs that had plenty of hype but didn't do anything in sales.

Point is this, buy what you like and stop trying to figure out who has the better games on thier respected console.  In the end, money talks and BS sales under 100k on a system.

I'm just saying...

It's pretty much a tie for me if you take MGS4 out of the equation.

PS3 has Valkyria Chronicles (really looking forward to this), Resistance 2, SOCOM and LBP.

XBox360 has Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human and Fable 2. Possibly Gears of War 2 if they add a lot of new features to the game. Gears of War 1 was great, but it was enough for me.

Let's see what E3 '08 brings. Hopefully there are more than a few surprises.

By the way, I only listed games that I want for that console, and exclusives (I'm getting Left 4 Dead for the PC).

ruibing said:
If it wasn't for the JRPGs, I would say PS3 hands down. But since I am a JRPG addict, they've made it a bit harder for me.

For now I would still go with PS3, but when I'm done with MGS4/MGO and all my remaining PS2 JRPGs (still half a dozen of them such as Persona 3 FES, Odin Sphere, and Rogue Galaxy), White Knight Chronicles and Final Fantasy XIII better be out.

 An often missed JRPG gem on the ps2 is .hack//G.U. vol. 1-3....if you haven't played them yet, you oughta add them to your ps2 list.  On ps3, even though it's delayed and 360 version is first, you'll probably get The Last Remnant before WKC & FFXIII.

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