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Let some you fanboyz calling out your exclusive game list....

First off, Tekken 6. When did suddenly become an exclusive champion. When KZ2 became Feb 2009. Come on. I am not saying Tekken 6 won't be a good game but lets be honest, it will be buried with the rest of the fighters that are coming out this year. But we will see...

Next, Banjo Kazooie. It feels like Ratchet and Clank all over again. Everyone said how incredible this game was going to be and it would be an exclusive that everyone with a PS3 will get. Then the game came out and it didn't do anything during the holidays. It just hit 1m WW in April. The same will be with Nutz and Boltz. And don't say it won't be like that because it Banjo Kazooie. The game is not on a Nintendo system, its on the X360, a totally different audience for a game that is not like it use to be. But we will see...

Now I give you Gears2, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Socom as these IPs performed exceptional well in the past. But the rest, you don't know until it comes out or do I have to point out Haze, NG2, Bloom Blox, No More Heroes, and bunch of IPs that had plenty of hype but didn't do anything in sales.

Point is this, buy what you like and stop trying to figure out who has the better games on thier respected console.  In the end, money talks and BS sales under 100k on a system.

I'm just saying...