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Forums - Gaming Discussion - which has a better game line up for 2008 xbox360 or ps3

Domo-Kun said:
I never liked Saturn.

PS1>Saturn IMHO.


 Everyone has played the good PS1 games...Saturn not so much.

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I have.

My buddy had a saturn that we played the shyt out of. I think his was the only Saturn in town, litteraly.

We'll miss you George.



My friends call me Hadoken because I'm down-right fierce

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Hawkeye said:
I think 360 does. Lineup implies it hasn't come out yet; PS3 has Disgaea 3, Socom, Resistance 2, and LBP
360 has tales of vesperia, Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts, Alan Wake, Viva Pinata 2 trouble in paradise, Fable 2, and Gears of War 2...

Umm... allow me to counter that statement... no it doesn't lol.

Legend11 said:

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

And there are other exclusives coming like Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, Zoids Assault, and others that I didn't bother adding to the list since they're relatively niche. Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Do you think enough people will remember the thing is even coming out for it to make a difference?


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disolitude said:
Sega Saturn! Cause I bet you never played all the classics that saturn has to offer. If you haven't, they easily destory anything PS3 or 360 will have this year :)

Actaully, I bought a Saturn like, 4 days ago :D

Sonic Jam and NiGHTS and Dragon Force and Shining Force and Panzer Dragoon and Gaurdian Heroes and Astal and Blazing Heroes and ClockWork Knight and Radiant Silvergun and Albert Oddessy and Street Fighter 2 Alpha and Daaaaaaaaayyyyyytonnnnaa for the win :P

I carried on a bit there, but I do agree that older games with marvelous gameplay and music but worse controls are better than modern games. Its just a gaint pain to research what games are good, and then hunt them down. And its hard to play with your friends.

-on topic:

I think overall 360 has slightly stronger games, but from personal preference 360 blows PS3 outa the water this fall imo.

Viva Pinata 2 plus Banjo plus Tales plus Infinite Undiscovery plus Fable 2> LittleBig Planet plus Disgaea 3...


Legend11 said:

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

And there are other exclusives coming like Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, Zoids Assault, and others that I didn't bother adding to the list since they're relatively niche. Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Do you think enough people will remember the thing is even coming out for it to make a difference?


LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Hawkeye said:
I think 360 does. Lineup implies it hasn't come out yet; PS3 has Disgaea 3, Socom, Resistance 2, and LBP
360 has tales of vesperia, Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts, Alan Wake, Viva Pinata 2 trouble in paradise, Fable 2, and Gears of War 2...

Umm... allow me to counter that statement... no it doesn't lol.


If it doesn't, then this year comes down to preference imo. PS3 has better shooter games and will have either a good/great or possible even the greatest platformer of all time. 360 is clearly better for RPGs this year, and Banjo and Viva look pretty good.

PS3 still even with MGS4 passing.

PS3: Resistance 2, Little big planet, SOCOM, Motorstorm 2, Dark Mist, The Agency, Home

360: Fable 2, Gears 2, Too human, Halo Wars, Left 4 Dead,

Obviously its your personal preference in the end. I love Socom and Resistance. Didn't like Gears. so obviously i think PS3's is better.

LongLiveTheBeatles said:
Legend11 said:

Here are some of the 360's confirmed exclusives for 2008:

Gears of War 2
Fable 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Too Human
Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
The Last Remnant
Left 4 Dead

There's also Grand Theft Auto 4: Episode 1 which is slated for release between November 2008 - January 2009).

And there are other exclusives coming like Operation Darkness, Spectral Force 3, Zoids Assault, and others that I didn't bother adding to the list since they're relatively niche. Halo Wars was originally expected to be released later this year but who knows when it'll be released (the same can be said of Alan Wake).

Do you think enough people will remember the thing is even coming out for it to make a difference?


Microsoft will no doubt make sure everyone is aware of it.