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Forums - Sales Discussion - EU Sales UP!! - MGS4 Debut week - PS3 -- ok

starcraft said:
PS3 hardware in the Others region clearly underperformed next to expectations assuming these numbers arn't adjusted.

Hardware also underperformed relative to expectations in NA, once again assuming the preliminary reports are correct.

Conversely, I feel the hardware boost for the PS3 in Japan significantly exceeded all reasonable expectations (I saw some idiots predicting 100k, which I don't consider reasonable).

More than this week being a win for Sony, this week was a win for Konami, as MGS4 seems to have exceeded expectations in ALL regions.


Well HW in NA performed well, remember early shipment of 80gb bundles was just 70k and demand 2-3 times more. Sony will ship them again next week, so expect high numbers from NA as long as Sony is shipping the bundles.

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BengaBenga said:
Wow @ the fallout.

MGS did fine, Europe isn't so big on very hardcore games like this one and games tend to stay in the charts longer. First week's sales in the US are far more telling than in Europe. MGS4 should certainly be able to reach a million in Europe, which is very good no matter how you spin it.
PS3 sales are ok, expected a bit more, but definitely not dissapointing to sell over 100.000.


It was only like a 20k boost

starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:

The ps3 didn't underperform this week. It's just been overperforming on average for the past three months.

You're even better at spin than I am



Yeah, that's a whole lot of spin.  Basically I'm saying that the ps3 has been doing exceptionally well, and thus must fall back within normal, lower ranges soon, and yet that's somehow spin in favor of the ps3?

By your logic the ps3 averages 118k a week, and thus should continue selling 118k a week until the holiday boost comes along to increase sales to even higher levels.

These figures are what, three days worth of MGS4s sales? Next week, if the figures drop dramatically, then people can say MGS4 didnt perform....only then

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

The only disappointing thing is that Japan sold more MGS SW than EU..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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does this aritcle say that ps3 sold 70 000 in japan!!!????