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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Possible first info on Forza 3

I only want to know is this game going to release this holiday or we'll have to wait for next holiday??? if its the later case then its disappointing to see company just love to bring out sequels and hype it to no end. why can't they just announce stuff a few months before release.

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kirby007 said:
cwbys21 said:
I like it how people argue which game is more realistic. Reality is unless you live in Germany and drive on the autobahn you have never gone over 80 mph and even then it was on a relatively straight road with lots of banking to ensure an easy and safe drive. I doubt any one has ever driven into a corner at 130 mph with no banking hard on the brakes 6 inches away from another driver or felt your seat beneath your eye balls because you spun out during a corner and your ass puckered so hard against the seat that it sucked the seat up into your body. Remember also that most racing is done during the summer when it is 100 degrees and the windows are all rolled up for maximum down force on the car except for the driver window and they are designed to keep as much air out of the car as possible as wind blowing in the window at 100 mph would slow the car down and it creates a green house inside the car as you sit in the fire suite. When a game can create those g forces through a corner on my body and make my mind think I am surrounded by 150 degree heat as I am strapped so tightly into a car that I can barely move then we can argue about what is the better simulation. As it is it is a best guess as only a select few of the best programmers were allowed to drive a real race car at any speed or taken for a hot lap with a professional driver doing stuff we could only dream of.

have you ever played them?... realistic in reaction/feeling



seeing as I am the only person I know with a ps3 (which I got at the release of mgs4) and I know no one with a 360, no I haven't played them.  and like I said, I doubt anyone here knows what is realistic in reaction/feeling unless you are refering to the illusion of realism to make your brain think that this could be what it is possibly like, in which case I have no doubt that both games will give you that feeling.  We don't know what a car would feel like shifting gears at 100+, how fast it would excelerate, how it would turn (there is a lot of force that the tires have to break to get the car to stop going forward and turn), or how those brake pads would hold up as a two thousand pound car going 100+ has a lot of energy that the brakes would have to slow down.  Because of that all arguements are moot, it is like the arguements about which controller feels better, if you are thinking about the controller or the effect of realism in a game, then there is something wrong.

cwbys21 said:

seeing as I am the only person I know with a ps3 (which I got at the release of mgs4) and I know no one with a 360, no I haven't played them.  and like I said, I doubt anyone here knows what is realistic in reaction/feeling unless you are refering to the illusion of realism to make your brain think that this could be what it is possibly like, in which case I have no doubt that both games will give you that feeling.  We don't know what a car would feel like shifting gears at 100+, how fast it would excelerate, how it would turn (there is a lot of force that the tires have to break to get the car to stop going forward and turn), or how those brake pads would hold up as a two thousand pound car going 100+ has a lot of energy that the brakes would have to slow down.  Because of that all arguements are moot, it is like the arguements about which controller feels better, if you are thinking about the controller or the effect of realism in a game, then there is something wrong.


Still, there's something wrong when a game features cars that land after a long jump with perfect grip. And gt5p gives less of a feeling than forza 2 on aspects such as tire sounds, forza transmits a lot of information about how your car is handling - gt5p tire sounds on the other side sound canned. Not to mention the boat physics... 

Anyways, racing games threads never end well. I still say gt5p's graphics with forza2's physics/driving model would be a godsend. Never happening tho T.T

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Its the final lap. Please insert disc 2.

cwbys21 said:
I like it how people argue which game is more realistic. Reality is unless you live in Germany and drive on the autobahn you have never gone over 80 mph and even then it was on a relatively straight road with lots of banking to ensure an easy and safe drive. I doubt any one has ever driven into a corner at 130 mph with no banking hard on the brakes 6 inches away from another driver or felt your seat beneath your eye balls because you spun out during a corner and your ass puckered so hard against the seat that it sucked the seat up into your body. Remember also that most racing is done during the summer when it is 100 degrees and the windows are all rolled up for maximum down force on the car except for the driver window and they are designed to keep as much air out of the car as possible as wind blowing in the window at 100 mph would slow the car down and it creates a green house inside the car as you sit in the fire suite. When a game can create those g forces through a corner on my body and make my mind think I am surrounded by 150 degree heat as I am strapped so tightly into a car that I can barely move then we can argue about what is the better simulation. As it is it is a best guess as only a select few of the best programmers were allowed to drive a real race car at any speed or taken for a hot lap with a professional driver doing stuff we could only dream of.


yeap I live in strasbourg about 5 min away from the greman boundary which is open as it is in the EU... first time I went over 130 MPH I was 15 with my father next to me in his BMW 745.... then you can go race as fast as you want on any track you want if you have your own car.... and when you have car shows you can usually rent racing cars....

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and i'm telling you for a fact that forza has(had never played GT5 once again) a more realistic feeling to it..... of course I never raced in professional race condition...

you know it's not hard to get into amateur racing.... it's costly maybe even though I know broke ass people investing everything in it.... but more accessible than you think...

but still just visualy if you are into racing.... you can feel if a game does it or not... just by knowing the shape of the track (that's why a racing game fan prefers real tracks, on monaco i don't need 30 laps to get used to every aspect of the track I know every curb by heart just watching F1 since as far as I can recall)

what's missing in Forza IMO is a real professional career feeling... with a team and people talking to you while you race.... like in grid... but on the driving and mechanical aspect it's obvious if I change the PSI in my tires, tune the differential and stuff I really feel it like if I was doing it on a regular car...

people shouldn't think because a few people does a sport it's not accessible... for example I'm about to pass my skydiving license.... I doubt a lot of people here ever jumped from a plane doesn't mean they can't do it if they really want...

After looking at Forza 2's tracklist, it seems they have an odd way of calculating "tracks". Apparently it's a new "track" if it's in reverse.

According a Forza Forum, Forza 2 has:
12 environments (8 real-world - as in Forza 2 only has 8 different real racetracks)
47 tracks in total (incl. all configurations/variations)

So while Forza 3 might have 100 "tracks", how many "environments" (actual number of different tracks) will it have?

The car packs & downloadable levels sound like a neat idea i think.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

it shoudl feature custom tracks... does GT5 or F2 do that?

Skeeuk said:
endimion said:
Skeeuk said:
should be a very good game if its on 2 disks, but i feel its more because of the grafix that it will be 2 disks. 1 for arcade and 1 for career.

they should be able to up the textures on the cars this time.

my vote will go with gt5 in game and sales, but never the less forza is a worthy driving game and il possibly pick that up also later on in the year.


hum I don't know about you but from a simulation point of view forza was way over GT4 forza 2 is still over GT 4 and I never played GT 5 but I doubt the tendancy will change... itmight be better than forza 2 (i still doubt it though) so highly doubt forza 3 could be worst than GT 5 if you are talking graphics we agree... but for a simulation people should be looking at the quality of the simulation technically not graphically... or what is the point of comparing SIMULATIONS

technically and grafically, gt5 from the prologue i have, is a better drive round a track than forza 2 is. using same car same view and same track, both will be good games, but gt5 will pip it, id say forza 3 will sell mabey 5million+ copies and gt5 10million+ copies.

i had both games and still own gt5p, gtp5 is better simulation technically and graphically(majority opinion), gt5 full game will be further enhanced still, so my on-the-list-shop will go to gt5, but will certainly pick up forza 3 when it comes out. the customisation options in forza are really decent and is a major selling point for me


ps. if its been posted before please delete this thread, i dont like making dupe threads. i checked before hand but only looked at 1st page of threads

Disagree. Graphically GT5:P beats Forza 3, but as a racing simulation Forza 2 owns. Forza 2 has better AI than GT5P which makes the simulation feel genuine. How many times have the computer in GT5P not gone offline to overtake me, instead just ploughing into me. And Online, theres no contest. In simulation damage is a must. GT5P just became banger racing from day one.



In simulation if you banging race, that means you need to learn how to drive.
GT5P wins in graphic and car handling physics.

GT5P has decent wheels support. I don't see any for Forza series.
Is there a decent steering wheel for the X360 yet?

And please, don't whine about unrealistic car handling if you drive with a controller.