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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why can't MGS, FF, GT sell as much on PS3 as they did on PS2??

reptile168 said:
We're living in a different gaming generation.

Racing games sales have staggered in America. GT4 probably did half of what GT3 did with double the user base. GT5 prologue sort of failed in America. Other racing games didn't fare much better. Forza 2 and Motorstorm (and now GT5 prologue with the sixaxis) were bundled to get rid of the huge stock.

Today's most popular genre is first person shooter (and third person shooters), which none of the big 3 playstation franchise are. FF, GT, and MGS won't have as big of an impact as it had with the PS2. In Japan, people moved on to portables.


 Yes that is why MGS4 sold near 500,000 units in one week in Japan and GT 5 Prolouge sold more than GT4 Prolouge. It doesnt matter if it was bundled, it still sold about 500,000 units more and the bundle is dead, not to mention, it is still selling.

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Todays most popular genre is FPS and TPS shooters..

Considering that we didn't had a big release yet of a RPG game it is quite to early to call it a smaller genre..

darthdevidem01 said:

but by the time say they stopped selling the userbase o the PS2 would hardly be past 30 million

besides didn't MGS4 kinda disprove the theory....atleast in Japan

Well, MGS4 is looking to be on par with MGS2 in Japan... They'll be very close, anyway. Another test will be to see if it does 100k next week like MGS2 did when it released and how well it maintains its sales over the next two months. Either way, MGS is a somewhat niche franchise... This proves that hardcore gamers still exist in Japan. The biggest test will be how FF and GT do, two franchises that define their genre and draw in a fair amount of "casuals" (God, I hate that term).

Overall though, good sales for MGS4. The game definitely deserves it and it's nice to see a traditional title do well in Japan.

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rocketpig said:
Cost, cost, cost.

How much was the PS2 when those games released? Compare that to the price of the PS3 and that's part of your answer. It's a lot easier to drop $150 for one game than it is $400. There's also a lot more doubt surrounding the PS3 than there ever was around the PS2.


In the UK the PS2 was £300 when those games were released. Same price as the PS3.


yeah that could be the downside

casuals who can't afford PS3 for GT5 or FF13....we'll know in about a year though..

As for EU....PS3 is selling almost on par with Ps2...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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darthdevidem01 said:

I have been looking at this issue since I came here and everytime people put down FF13, MGS4 (HA they were proven wrong) & GT 5 as the "lowest" sellers in the franchise.

I don't understand as their argument is usually PS2 had a 120 million userbase.....thats all fine but PS2 DIDN'T have a 120 Million userbase when GT3, FF10 & MGS2 released.....they still sold millions

In fact:

GT 3 released when PS2's userbase was at 11 million (definetely possible for GT5)®1=All&cons2=PS2®2=All&cons3=PS2®3=All&start=37101&end=37430&weekly=1

n it went on to sell 15 million.

FFX (had a staggered launch) but when it PS2's userbase was at:

5 Million in Japan (granted Ps3 won't be there for FF13)

I would say max for ff13 will be around 2.5 mil. The Ps3 isn't taking off here as hoped by a lot of us.

7 Million in NA (definetely possible for FF13)

WAYY too much for ff13! The halos haven't even put out that in NA and they are probably the most hyped games here in the Us. (other than Grand Theft Auto and Madden.)  3 mil max imo. FF in America isn't like GTA or Halo on the popularity scale.

8 Million in others (Definetely possible for FF13)

Yet again. Wayyy too much. It would mean it would be near or beat Nintendogs in Others and that's almost laughable to think it will. (girls, moms, and grandmas will not suck up ff like nintendogs.) 3mil max here imo.

Whenn MGS2 releases the userbase size in each region was a bit lower than that of the FF10 release

so PS3 is really losing out on sales from Japan...thats it, otherwise these key franchises should sell just as much, and the argument that PS2 had a userbase of 120 million bites the dust as when these launched it most certainly didn't.

It's not the userbase arguement at the amount of the consoles sold by the game releases darth. It's the final userbase arguement when said games have been released. These 3 consoles have uncertain chances of catching the Ps2's lifetime sales. (though the Wii has the best chance out of all of them.)

What do all of you it valid topull the franchise down due to saying "PS2 had a 120 million install base" when majority of the sales are done at launch.??


It's not the userbase arguement at the amount of the consoles sold by the game releases darth. It's the final userbase arguement when said games have been released. These 3 consoles have uncertain chances of catching the Ps2's lifetime sales. (though the Wii has the best chance out of all of them.)

(copied due to laziness.)


Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius
Gamer4eva said:
I think they will outsell their predeccsor, hell i think i am the only one that belives that the PS3 will get past the 100Mil mark. I mean the "Others" market has grown like a mother.

 nope i think the same, so bring that number up to 2 and crazzy so 3

rocketpig said:
Cost, cost, cost.

How much was the PS2 when those games released? Compare that to the price of the PS3 and that's part of your answer. It's a lot easier to drop $150 for one game than it is $400. There's also a lot more doubt surrounding the PS3 than there ever was around the PS2.


 But MGS4 sold more then the rest of the series (first day sales)  and i still havent seen any TV adds....... and that was day one....... so this i didnt agree with....


and when those games where release the ps2 was 300 in some places. didnt ff10 come out in 2001 or 2002? i could be wrong tho.

daactualfact said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I have been looking at this issue since I came here and everytime people put down FF13, MGS4 (HA they were proven wrong) & GT 5 as the "lowest" sellers in the franchise.

I don't understand as their argument is usually PS2 had a 120 million userbase.....thats all fine but PS2 DIDN'T have a 120 Million userbase when GT3, FF10 & MGS2 released.....they still sold millions

In fact:

GT 3 released when PS2's userbase was at 11 million (definetely possible for GT5)®1=All&cons2=PS2®2=All&cons3=PS2®3=All&start=37101&end=37430&weekly=1

n it went on to sell 15 million.

FFX (had a staggered launch) but when it PS2's userbase was at:

5 Million in Japan (granted Ps3 won't be there for FF13)

I would say max for ff13 will be around 2.5 mil. The Ps3 isn't taking off here as hoped by a lot of us.

7 Million in NA (definetely possible for FF13)

WAYY too much for ff13! The halos haven't even put out that in NA and they are probably the most hyped games here in the Us. (other than Grand Theft Auto and Madden.)  3 mil max imo. FF in America isn't like GTA or Halo on the popularity scale.

8 Million in others (Definetely possible for FF13)

Yet again. Wayyy too much. It would mean it would be near or beat Nintendogs in Others and that's almost laughable to think it will. (girls, moms, and grandmas will not suck up ff like nintendogs.) 3mil max here imo.

Whenn MGS2 releases the userbase size in each region was a bit lower than that of the FF10 release

so PS3 is really losing out on sales from Japan...thats it, otherwise these key franchises should sell just as much, and the argument that PS2 had a userbase of 120 million bites the dust as when these launched it most certainly didn't.

It's not the userbase arguement at the amount of the consoles sold by the game releases darth. It's the final userbase arguement when said games have been released. These 3 consoles have uncertain chances of catching the Ps2's lifetime sales. (though the Wii has the best chance out of all of them.)

What do all of you it valid topull the franchise down due to saying "PS2 had a 120 million install base" when majority of the sales are done at launch.??


It's not the userbase arguement at the amount of the consoles sold by the game releases darth. It's the final userbase arguement when said games have been released. These 3 consoles have uncertain chances of catching the Ps2's lifetime sales. (though the Wii has the best chance out of all of them.)

(copied due to laziness.)


Hmmm did you read what he wrote?

Those 5, 7 and 8 million numbers are not the total software numbers the game will sell but what the userbase will be by then.....


I feel like I missed something on your post Darth, I think I probably misread something. You were talking about the Ps2's sales not the FFX sales. Sorry for the misreading. (though my thoughts are still in the post of yours I quoted.)

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius