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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Microsoft Dominate after E3?

It's very unlikely, even given your points, that the 360 will dominate unless Nintendo voluntarily cease trading the Wii. I doubt they're going to do that.

According to NPD Wii saw average weekly sales that were more than three times that of 360 (if I remember the ratios correctly it was something like 170,000 to 42,000) and of course Wii has been profitable from the start and can easily have a price cut as well.

In truth I think the games IP mean little other than steady growth for 360 - none are likely to drive big spikes and I think some will actually fail like NG2 as I think the 360 is starting to get over-saturated for games vs install base, particularly in the FPS/action genre.

Only a price cut could really see a big difference in terms of weekly console sales IMHO - but Nintendo can easily match it and even Sony, though I doubt they'd want to, could take a price cut if they saw it was needed to stay in the game in the US.

The 360 is in many ways a success - but I believe its built itself into a demographic 'corner' vs the Wii and the average weekly sales reflect this.

At the end of the day even if its cheaper than a Wii I doubt you'll see a majority of Wii purchasers switch to a 360 purchase instead. More people want a Wii period (that reads bad but what the hell!) and that's all there is to it.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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DMeisterJ said:
Fanatical111 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?


hmmm...Kill Zone 2, 4 years? There pretty bad devs then I guess?


I'm not defending Killzone 2, but it's only been in development since the completion of Killzone: Liberation on the PSP. So that's 2 years.

How is that possible? They showed a trailer for the game at E3 2005. Sure, it was pre-rendered but it's obvious that development is already going strong if they're showing trailers for a game. That's three years right there, not including all the time they worked on the game before that point. By the time it releases, it will be close to 4 years of development at the bare minimum, maybe even longer if they started development in 2004.

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Well you forgot Motorstorm 2, Tekken 6, SOCOM, Infamous and maybe White knight chronicles of the PS3's list of games.

The 360 has had the biggest games library since the beginning of the generation, but it still sells less than the PS3. I don't think any amount of games will change that.

The only thing that can help it is a price cut in NA. That would mean (assuming no PS3 price cuts this year) that the 360 will outsell the PS3 in NA for the rest of the year, but PS3 would still outsell it this year WW.

if GTA IV couldn't save Ps3, nothing can do so!

price cuts won't help, as Wii seems to be the consoles most people are interested in!!

Microsot won't go any higher after the E3!!
there's nothing new which can help them, nobody is excited about the Xmote, since the Wiiremote has been released 2,5 years ago!!

also, Microsoft has no new ideas at all to keep the Xbox360 alive!!

but the most important is that we know what Ms/Sony E3 is going to be about.... and it's nothing new or special!!

but who knows what brand new ideas Nintendo is preparing for E3??
i guess their show will be so great that nobody will pay so much attention to the Xmote!!

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rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
Fanatical111 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?


hmmm...Kill Zone 2, 4 years? There pretty bad devs then I guess?


I'm not defending Killzone 2, but it's only been in development since the completion of Killzone: Liberation on the PSP. So that's 2 years.

How is that possible? They showed a trailer for the game at E3 2005. Sure, it was pre-rendered but it's obvious that development is already going strong if they're showing trailers for a game. That's three years right there, not including all the time they worked on the game before that point. By the time it releases, it will be close to 4 years of development at the bare minimum, maybe even longer if they started development in 2004.

I thought that was known fact.

I remember reading somewhere that development started after completion of Killzone: Liberation.  That could have been as early as June or July of 2006 if they decided to have good QA testing and all that good stuff for a November release.  

And that would have explained why even though they had the pre-rendered footage at E305 that they didn't get any playable footage until E307.

Also, wasn't it widely reported that the PS3 devkits didn't come out until early in 2006?  

I mean, I don't know if I'm wrong or not, but I think I remember reading that it took Sony forever to get the devkits out which is why devs had lots of nasty things to say about the PS3...

Around the Network
tombi123 said:
Well you forgot Motorstorm 2, Tekken 6, SOCOM, Infamous and maybe White knight chronicles of the PS3's list of games.

The 360 has had the biggest games library since the beginning of the generation, but it still sells less than the PS3. I don't think any amount of games will change that.

The only thing that can help it is a price cut in NA. That would mean (assuming no PS3 price cuts this year) that the 360 will outsell the PS3 in NA for the rest of the year, but PS3 would still outsell it this year WW.

Holidays = Sell time for consoles.  Xbox 360 will have a mass of stuff this holiday while the PS3 wont.  Sorry I didnt include the entire list of games.  I am also looking forward to SOCOM but forgot about it :).

tombi123 said:
Well you forgot Motorstorm 2, Tekken 6, SOCOM, Infamous and maybe White knight chronicles of the PS3's list of games.

The 360 has had the biggest games library since the beginning of the generation, but it still sells less than the PS3. I don't think any amount of games will change that.

The only thing that can help it is a price cut in NA. That would mean (assuming no PS3 price cuts this year) that the 360 will outsell the PS3 in NA for the rest of the year, but PS3 would still outsell it this year WW.

Holidays = Sell time for consoles.  Xbox 360 will have a mass of stuff this holiday while the PS3 wont.  Sorry I didnt include the entire list of games.  I am also looking forward to SOCOM but forgot about it :).

tombi123 said:
Well you forgot Motorstorm 2, Tekken 6, SOCOM, Infamous and maybe White knight chronicles of the PS3's list of games.

The 360 has had the biggest games library since the beginning of the generation, but it still sells less than the PS3. I don't think any amount of games will change that.

The only thing that can help it is a price cut in NA. That would mean (assuming no PS3 price cuts this year) that the 360 will outsell the PS3 in NA for the rest of the year, but PS3 would still outsell it this year WW.

Infamous is a 2009 release...  Tekken 6's official release date hasn't even been given yet.  What is strange is how the PS3's first party lineup this year is very shooter heavy while the 360's is much more diverse.  Who could have predicted the 360 completely owning the PS3 in RPGs in 2008?  In my opinion since MGS4 has been released the 360 now has the strongest lineup for the remainder of the year. 

If there is indeed a North American price cut for the 360 announced at E3 the 360 will very likely have an iron grip on second place in North America for the rest of this generation.

I agree that xbox christmas lineup may have more ZING! than PS3's.

Sony has pretty much blown its load with MGS4 for they year...but damn, what a load it was. I still got goo on my pants...

By "dominate," you actually mean "exceed the weekly sales of its HD competitor by a factor of 10-20% on a somewhat regular basis," right?

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