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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Microsoft Dominate after E3?

In anticipation of this year’s E3 I have a couple thoughts I would like to share. 


I expect that the 360 will dominate (EDIT beat its HD Competitor by 10-20%) Christmas 2008 following E3, let me explain why.  First off, I expect MGS4 to be a huge factor for the PS3 this year.  I pre-ordered a copy and was pleasantly surprised as to how good the game is.  I honestly believe that it will be one of the top 3 games of 2008 and is definitely a forerunner for the game of the year. 


Although the PS3 has so much going for it now, I believe that the 360 has quite a few more things going for it that will lead to them to surpassing the PS3 this year.


1.       Price Cut:

a.       The 360 will see a huge price cut this year in the US.  I expect this to be a contributing factor for its increase as it is relative to both the US economy and the games that are being released.


2.       Games:

a.       Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Banjo 3, Infinite Undiscovery, Left for Dead, Halo Wars, etc, all these games being released around Christmas time with the price cut will sell allot of consoles.  The PS3 has RFOM 2 (EDIT SOCOM AND TEKKEN 6)and LBP but neither of these games are on par with what the 360 has coming.  The 360’s line-up caters to everyone while the PS3 line-up really doesn’t.    


3.       Future Games:

a.       Get ready to see some great first and second party games to come out.  Perfect Dark 2, Killer Instinct 3, etc.  All these games will be great as they have had 3+ years of development time.  In addition, 3rd party developers will be showing their 360 exclusives such as Halo Chronicles, Cry On, Alan Wake and Star Ocean.



4.       Peripherals

a.       The X-Mote is coming and I expect it to be utilized with Halo Wars.  I think this will change the way RTS’s are played on consoles forever.  This is of course what I would like to see and is probably not going to happen.   


5.       Huge Xbox Live update

a.       PS3 really has dropped the ball on Home.  I don’t think anyone really cares about it anymore.  XBL will get IPTV, a Game show network, movieflix etc all this year.  Also there has been some talk of Avatars and other attachments to their service.   


Anyways, these are my thoughts.  Many of you will disagree but I think its hard to refute the positioning of the 360. 

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I think the 360 will continue to grow its market and will continue to see healthy sales but I don't think it will ever dominate anything.

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Many of you will disagree but I think its hard to refute the positioning of the 360.

That's basically saying "you can say what you want, but what I said is right" ...

We'll see how it turns out. Many things have been leaked already about what MS might do at the E3 and afterwards, while practically nothing has been leaked about Sony, so we can't really judge, until we know what they're up too, as well.

I'm going to wait for the E3 before saying how it'll turn out.


resistance was a better game than fable, you only have 1 proven IP coming for the 360 this year and thats GEARS OF WAR( dont mention halo wars, strategy games on consoles dont mix)

Also you act as if resistance 2 and LBP are the only games coming exclusively to the PS3 this year =/

You completely forgot about 2.40 as well.

Also you have no proof of a price cut nor that the XMOTE is coming.. (I price cut would hurt microosft in the US, the dollar is droping in value)



I feel a disturbance in the force. It is as if a thousand Sony fanboys cracked their knuckles at once at their keyboards.

I give this thread a 9.4.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

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leo-j said:

resistance was a better game than fable, you only have 1 proven IP coming for the 360 this year and thats GEARS OF WAR( dont mention halo wars, strategy games on consoles dont mix)

Also you act as if resistance 2 and LBP are the only games coming exclusively to the PS3 this year =/

You completely forgot about 2.40 as well.

Also you have no proof of a price cut nor that the XMOTE is coming.. (I price cut would hurt microosft in the US, the dollar is droping in value)

1. I disagree. I thought Fable was a more interesting game.

2. Again, this is like comparing Caddyshack to Deliverance. I will never understand why people insist on comparing vastly different games.

3. How is Resistance a proven IP yet Fable isn't? Does not compute. 

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@OP: No, not in any way, shape or form.

I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?

DMeisterJ said:
I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?


hmmm...Kill Zone 2, 4 years?  There pretty bad devs then I guess?


Fanatical111 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?


hmmm...Kill Zone 2, 4 years?  There pretty bad devs then I guess?


I'm not defending Killzone 2, but it's only been in development since the completion of Killzone: Liberation on the PSP.  So that's 2 years.