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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4, Estimating Week 2 Sales in Japan

Between 100-150k.

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Its bundled, thats the biggest thing.

I expect anywhere from 90-200k, I just dont know what to expect.



Dynasty Warriors was released on a sunday, so that created the better holdover into the second week.

first week for mgs 4 is 500k second week 250k300k

110- 250k.

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Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

koffieboon said:
Dynasty Warriors was released on a sunday, so that created the better holdover into the second week.


 Did you check your computer calendar? and if so did you remember to roll back one year to 07? Because it was released a Mon. But you still make a point because most titles released Thurs

DW6 actually made it on charts for the 10th... but it's release date was the 12th... weird....

This makes me believe DW6 first weeks sales on this site was only one day (maybe even just a couple stores breaking release date) and 2nd week sales was 7 days with all stores.

I reckon a massive drop off. I wouldn't expect much more then 100k.

it will sell 600k in japan 2nd week

DragonLord said:
Zuhyc said:
DragonLord said:

MGS4 was released on a shortened week. Not as many days of sales will be included in its first week sales since it wasn't released on the normal day. This may produce a slightly higher amount of sales to carry over into the beginning of next week on release day.

In Japan, almost every game releases on thursday!

Lol, woops...I didn't know that, I'll edit it.

Exactly, every game is released on Thursdays here in Japan. MGS4 was the same and was released on a Thursday.

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