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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you mind games companies copying each other's ideas?

No, I don't like it.

Then, all three consoles will be the same, which sucks.

Let's be clear, Nintendo isn't the only one being copied. All companies have originality, that is being copied.

Sony and MS are copying Mii's.
MS is copying Singstar from PS3
and Ninty and Sony are copying cohesive online from Microsoft.

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Not at all. It's competition. Who can deliver the best for the customers?

It ends up better for us anyway - unless the companies to bancrupt.

Nintendo makes motion sensing > Sony copies > Nintendo loses sales > Nintendo develops better motion sensing.

If you can't patent it - it can be copied.

Sometimes, it doesn't favour the customers though.

MS makes amazing graphic machine > Sony is a bit late > Sony brags about their machine being better in the future > makes too good a machine with too high price.


On topic again: competition is better for the customer. Trust me. I live in Norway, everything is semi-monopolized, and I know what a hell that is.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Don't midn it and I'm all for it, it helps the industry progress.

Unless the copy is worse then the original so it's just pointless and trying to grab money from something.

Hmm, pie.

I think a way to look at is it does increase competition, so makes the copied come up with more things to draw in the consumer, it just keeps them on their toes, and if people had been able to copy some of the stuff sony did with the playstations, then they would not have become as arrogant as they did in the lead up to PS3

if they refine or improve the original idea, i think its ok, copying should be done carefully though, if you copy something too quickly then you may get a backlash from the media and your competition.

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Every single large company in the world does this. If they see a smaller company doing something innovative, they gobble them up.

Copying doesn't really bother me, but as long as they are going to step foward and not backwards in the effort.

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Jessman: Fears the Mangina



Well, I just wish most of the copying wouldn't be done so blatantly..

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


if it makes the product better then i dont care

Its kind of annoying.. I just wish Nintendo would copy Microsofts online play... xcept without the paying.