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Forums - Gaming Discussion - who is the icon of gaming?

NiKKoM said:
It's Mario but do you guys remember in the 16bit era there was this hedgehog who bravely fought on the dominance of Mario.. For a moment he also was one of the icons of gaming.. but now he has fallen so deep... it's so sad.. :(

 Wasn't his name Shadow?  As in the one that he's constantly lived in since the Dreamcast?

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Easily Mario.

Mario, easily. Everyone knows Mario, more people know Mario than any other character in videogame history, and he is more well known than Mickey Mouse.

Miyamoto is the pure god of game design and is the only game designer who has huge mainstream fame, as he was in the top 10 most influential people list of TIME, for two years in a row now. He achived this by almost single handedly conquering the video game industry TWICE, making the best game ever, making the best selling game ever, and by making people who never played games play games.
This man is the father of modern video games, and now he has become its new posterchild thanks to the Wii's succes.

For hardcore gamers of the PS360 kind, who don't have any sense of humour and think the Wii and Nintendo are trying to kill gaming, I guess David Jaffe is the icon.

Has to be Mario obviously. Probably amongst the 10 the most popular people in the world.

Yes Mario isn't a real person but he is still known and recognisable by virtually everyone, whether you play games or not.

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highwaystar101 said:
I wouldn't say Miyamoto at all. Don't get me wrong, I am his biggest fan. I would say that Lara Croft or Sonic are the most media friendly characters in the Gaming world so I would say them. If I asked my Grandad who Miyamoto or Link or whatever, he would look at me blankly, but if I said Lara Croft he would recognise that name despite never playing a game in his life.

I dunno, Don't quote me on this.

I will quote you on this. Simply because the same holds true for Mario. My father, who can't even us e a PC recognized mario from the get-go the moment he saw a few screens of SMG.

Plus, people everywhere can hum Mario's original theme. Can't say the same about Lara.

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If you take all the Mario games of the last 10 years and combine their sales, what do you think that would come out to?

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Mario ofcourse, everyone knows that dude.



Mario. To a lesser extent, Nintendo/PlayStation. Their names are almost exclusively used in movies or TV shows, etc when it shows someone playing a game.

Mario.... and Pacman

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