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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Myth of Metal Gear Solid 4 being too much for xbox 360 to handle...

Ok... Time to go pick up MGS4.

Enough talking already...

Plug my PS3 back in... Check.

Turn on said PS3... Check - No wierd lights



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Pristine20 said:
FJ-Warez said:
Pristine20 said:

Whoever wrote the wikipedia article on mgs4 doesn't concur


Important line:"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

According to the wiki article, the developers have already compressed the game to bring it down to 50gb. If they are right, your compression arguement may be flawed.


Go to the source, is a podcast, and is 40 minutes long, but there is no mention or such a thing like:


"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

You can't be serious. Read the "Development" section. You didn't even read the article and you're trying to discredit me?



 Again, look, this line:

 Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression.[19]

Is linked with this source:

19 ^ KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS - HIDEOBLOG (English) (2008-02-19). The KOJIMA production report session 081.


Go to the source, is just a podcast, listen the 40 min podcast and you won't hear anything about using a full 50Gb disc...

Edit: They changed the reference, now point to a kotaku article about the launch date, but still no mention of such a thing...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
leo-j said:
disolitude said:
leo-j said:
Squilliam said:
The game runs at 30fps except in cutscenes (60) which means they are probably prerendered anyway, for the most part. Theres probably a mix of pre rendered and ingame footage in a lot of the cutscenes. Dunno, should find out today when I play it.

Does this thread = inferiority complex for PS3 owners? They have to prove that the greater $$$ they paid translates into better performance. Because, you know - greater cost of the machine ~$800 and one year after the Xbox360 launch should translate into better performance right?!?!!?

In any case this thread is actually as much a testament to the brilliance of Microsofts design in creating a console with older technology that actually performs better than or on par with a system that was released a little over one year later with "better" technology.


Nice lies,

Like I said people that dont play the game shouldnt be commenting, cutscenes are ALL INGAME, and everything runs at 60fps.

That pic I posted is also IN GAME, I took it myself with the CAMERA found in MGS4.


Since you like links...

I personally don't trust links and stories like this. What I do trust is my eye and I'm playing this game on a 58 inch plasma and there is no way this is 60 fps all the way through.

There are places like going up the stairwells when framerate comes alive and goes 60 FPS and there are parts with Geccos and gunfire where its actually sub 30...

I disagree, FR has never dipped below 60fps, I have the game. I also have a 32" HD TV.


Jesus fucking christ

Do you know anything? I swear.... you constantly post things that are plain flat out wrong. Either you are one hell of a troll, or just plain stupid.

I have the game and just beat the damn thing earlier today. There are framerate drops, and for the most part its running around 30fps. There are times when it hits above 30fps, but its usually in sparsely decorated rooms. Really, its easy to tell that the games framerate varies.

Also, some of the cutscenes are in-game, but most are pre-rendered. Again, its easy to tell which ones are just video, mostly because you can spot compression artifacts. Not to mention that many of the cutscenes feature tons of characters and effects, which I'm sure would absolutely kill the frame-rate if it were rendered in real time.

Oh, and I have a 40inch 1080p TV that is properly calibrated. 

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 


The disc is dual layered, you notice it straight when you touch the disc, its thicker, and its heavier.


leo-j said:

The disc is dual layered, you notice it straight when you touch the disc, its thicker, and its heavier.


Nobody is saying the oposite, but people here love to think this:

"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

And without any real proof...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Around the Network
sieanr said:
leo-j said:
disolitude said:
leo-j said:
Squilliam said:
The game runs at 30fps except in cutscenes (60) which means they are probably prerendered anyway, for the most part. Theres probably a mix of pre rendered and ingame footage in a lot of the cutscenes. Dunno, should find out today when I play it.

Does this thread = inferiority complex for PS3 owners? They have to prove that the greater $$$ they paid translates into better performance. Because, you know - greater cost of the machine ~$800 and one year after the Xbox360 launch should translate into better performance right?!?!!?

In any case this thread is actually as much a testament to the brilliance of Microsofts design in creating a console with older technology that actually performs better than or on par with a system that was released a little over one year later with "better" technology.


Nice lies,

Like I said people that dont play the game shouldnt be commenting, cutscenes are ALL INGAME, and everything runs at 60fps.

That pic I posted is also IN GAME, I took it myself with the CAMERA found in MGS4.


Since you like links...

I personally don't trust links and stories like this. What I do trust is my eye and I'm playing this game on a 58 inch plasma and there is no way this is 60 fps all the way through.

There are places like going up the stairwells when framerate comes alive and goes 60 FPS and there are parts with Geccos and gunfire where its actually sub 30...

I disagree, FR has never dipped below 60fps, I have the game. I also have a 32" HD TV.


Jesus fucking christ

Do you know anything? I swear.... you constantly post things that are plain flat out wrong. Either you are one hell of a troll, or just plain stupid.

I have the game and just beat the damn thing earlier today. There are framerate drops, and for the most part its running around 30fps. There are times when it hits above 30fps, but its usually in sparsely decorated rooms. Really, its easy to tell that the games framerate varies.

Also, some of the cutscenes are in-game, but most are pre-rendered. Again, its easy to tell which ones are just video, mostly because you can spot compression artifacts. Not to mention that many of the cutscenes feature tons of characters and effects, which I'm sure would absolutely kill the frame-rate if it were rendered in real time.

Oh, and I have a 40inch 1080p TV that is properly calibrated. 


 Your completely wrong I HAVE THE GAME I KNOW HOW IT RUNS, I really dont care if you do or dont have the game, IT RUNS AT 60FPS, and ITS ALL RENDERED IN GAME

Dude the fucking cutscenes are playable!

Like DURING A MISSION BREIFING, you can use the MARK 2 and bump into characters during an amazingly well rendered cutscene.

Why would I lie? Its the truth, maybe your just here to bash the game or havent noticed that its all rendered in game.


FJ-Warez said:
leo-j said:

The disc is dual layered, you notice it straight when you touch the disc, its thicker, and its heavier.


Nobody is saying the oposite, but people here love to think this:

"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

And without any real proof...

Everything in the game but the audio is compressed.



leo-j said:
sieanr said:
leo-j said:
disolitude said:
leo-j said:
Squilliam said:
The game runs at 30fps except in cutscenes (60) which means they are probably prerendered anyway, for the most part. Theres probably a mix of pre rendered and ingame footage in a lot of the cutscenes. Dunno, should find out today when I play it.

Does this thread = inferiority complex for PS3 owners? They have to prove that the greater $$$ they paid translates into better performance. Because, you know - greater cost of the machine ~$800 and one year after the Xbox360 launch should translate into better performance right?!?!!?

In any case this thread is actually as much a testament to the brilliance of Microsofts design in creating a console with older technology that actually performs better than or on par with a system that was released a little over one year later with "better" technology.


Nice lies,

Like I said people that dont play the game shouldnt be commenting, cutscenes are ALL INGAME, and everything runs at 60fps.

That pic I posted is also IN GAME, I took it myself with the CAMERA found in MGS4.


Since you like links...

I personally don't trust links and stories like this. What I do trust is my eye and I'm playing this game on a 58 inch plasma and there is no way this is 60 fps all the way through.

There are places like going up the stairwells when framerate comes alive and goes 60 FPS and there are parts with Geccos and gunfire where its actually sub 30...

I disagree, FR has never dipped below 60fps, I have the game. I also have a 32" HD TV.


Jesus fucking christ

Do you know anything? I swear.... you constantly post things that are plain flat out wrong. Either you are one hell of a troll, or just plain stupid.

I have the game and just beat the damn thing earlier today. There are framerate drops, and for the most part its running around 30fps. There are times when it hits above 30fps, but its usually in sparsely decorated rooms. Really, its easy to tell that the games framerate varies.

Also, some of the cutscenes are in-game, but most are pre-rendered. Again, its easy to tell which ones are just video, mostly because you can spot compression artifacts. Not to mention that many of the cutscenes feature tons of characters and effects, which I'm sure would absolutely kill the frame-rate if it were rendered in real time.

Oh, and I have a 40inch 1080p TV that is properly calibrated. 


 Your completely wrong I HAVE THE GAME I KNOW HOW IT RUNS, I really dont care if you do or dont have the game, IT RUNS AT 60FPS, and ITS ALL RENDERED IN GAME

Dude the fucking cutscenes are playable!

Like DURING A MISSION BREIFING, you can use the MARK 2 and bump into characters during an amazingly well rendered cutscene.

Why would I lie? Its the truth, maybe your just here to bash the game or havent noticed that its all rendered in game.

Fuck. Now I have to take a goddamn screenshot of a cutscene just to prove that there is macro-blocking and posterization.

Seriously kid, have you noticed how many cut-scenes you can't actually play. Haven't you seen how half-way through mission briefings you can no longer control anything?

Now why would I lie. I have the game, and I've beaten it. The framerate may hit 60fps here and there, but its definitely no where near that for the majority of the game.


Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

Those parts are the onlyones that are in game...but you will agree that even the Wii should have no problems pulling those off.

Any of the action packed movies are not in game. They are using polished up models from the in game engine but are definetly not rendered on the fly...

leo-j said:
FJ-Warez said:
leo-j said:

The disc is dual layered, you notice it straight when you touch the disc, its thicker, and its heavier.


Nobody is saying the oposite, but people here love to think this:

"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

And without any real proof...

Everything in the game but the audio is compressed.


Go to their sources, everyone claims they filled up a 50Gb disc, but Kojima never said it was a 50Gb disc... show me one quote when he said it and I will be happy...


By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."