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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Myth of Metal Gear Solid 4 being too much for xbox 360 to handle...

Darc Requiem said:
The native resolution of MGS4 is 1024x768. Technically that's a sub HD resolution since its has far less pixels than 720p which is 1280x720. Not that it matters because the game is visually impressive. NJ5, you have the patience of a saint trying discuss a subject with MikeB. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a Sony viral marketer.

I just can't stand his misinformation, especially when he's talking about the kind of stuff I work with everyday...

siriguillo said:

this was posted by tybalt

"We always talked about where to cut and what to compress."

That doesn't mean they didn't compress the audio now does it? It's a pretty vague assertion, unlike the one from Ryan Payton who specifically mentions uncompressed audio.

PS: What's happening with the forum today, I always see excessive line breaks in my posts, but not in other posts. Weird.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Who cares?

Really, who cares about this? I just beat the game a couple hours ago, its great. Play it.

if you only own a 360, then wait and see if it comes out. Or buy a PS3 and play it now.

This thread has devolved into the worst batch of qoute pulling, cherry picking fanboy arguements I have ever seen anywhere. Even if someone proves it can be done on the 360 you can expect to wait at least a year to get it. So shut up, go to your hole and play your shooters until that happens.

to the OP, why in the hell did you start this thread? you own both systems, and have played MGS. Whats the point? To simply pad your post numbers? If I were a mod on this board I would do what I do where I am a mod and lock it and warn you about starting more like it. It deviates this entire site from its purpose of being a place for people to discuss the games and the sales of them. In the very least its a blatant attempt to start a flame war.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

Omac said:
siriguillo said:
Omac said:
siriguillo said:
Omac said:
The 360's GPU is superior and has flexible ram, it's more than enough to reproduce MGS4 on multiple DVD's. Also the CPU is no slacker in the 360.

 360 has been in the market for 2.5 years, why are there no games that look as good a mgs4 and uncharted?


I think you've been smoking to much.

 dont judge other people by your condition

I'm judging you by your pot leaf as an avatar.  Also I believe uncharted could be ported and look identical, but we will never see it on 360 to do a caparison.  But we could on MGS4, we will have to see.


The 360's GPU is not superior to the RSX, its just more flexible.

As for the ram, the PS3 has 256mb of XDR RAM, which is faster than standered 512mb which the 360 uses.

The P3's CPU is also significantly superior to the XENON, and its been proven.  The PS3 is a superior machine, and according to naughty dog UNCHARTED wouldnt be possible on the XBOX 360 wihtout certain changes.






It really wouldn't have to be a flamewar at all, it could be simply a technical discussion about the feasibility of porting MGS4 to the 360 (which the thread was, at least partly). I think it's a perfectly valid topic, as valid as any other technical discussion.

There were also some flames, but it's very rare for big threads to not have flames.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I haven't played the game, but I'm a PS3 developer, working as a tech programmer. First of all there will most likely never will be a 360 version from a financial point of view. They would have to rewrite the entire engine for that. It's one thing when you program for multi platform from the beginning and a total other when you write your entire game targeted at a specific platform ( which MGS4 is ). I don't know what kind poly count your typical MGS4 scene has, but the PS3 have a theoretical peak which is beyond the 360s reach. This is because you can off load a lot of the heavy stuff on the SPUs for the PS3, which isn't possible on the 360. You can have a lot better occlusion culling which leads to better visuals.


Another area which I think the 360 will have a hard time to match is the animations, if you take a look at for example from Heavenly Sword you will see that the faces are very articulate. This is because they have a shitload of bones simulating the muscles in the face, this is one of the areas where the PS3 will out shine the 360 by a very very large margin, because this can also be entirely done on the SPUs very effeciently.


MGS4 uses an entire double layered Blu Ray disc as already mentioned, apart from graphical assets which can't be compressed lossless, I'd guess that the there's A LOT of gigs with sound. Sound can be compressed pretty decently without the average joe being able to hear a difference, if you gave up some sound quality you could probably get down to lets say ~30 - ~40 gigs, which is still a bit out of reach for DVD.

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|_emmiwinks said:

Who cares?

Really, who cares about this? I just beat the game a couple hours ago, its great. Play it.

if you only own a 360, then wait and see if it comes out. Or buy a PS3 and play it now.

This thread has devolved into the worst batch of qoute pulling, cherry picking fanboy arguements I have ever seen anywhere. Even if someone proves it can be done on the 360 you can expect to wait at least a year to get it. So shut up, go to your hole and play your shooters until that happens.

to the OP, why in the hell did you start this thread? you own both systems, and have played MGS. Whats the point? To simply pad your post numbers? If I were a mod on this board I would do what I do where I am a mod and lock it and warn you about starting more like it. It deviates this entire site from its purpose of being a place for people to discuss the games and the sales of them. In the very least its a blatant attempt to start a flame war.

Finally someone with a good bit of sense, I've read most of this thread and it is:

Sony fanboy, "360 can't do it (bs link here)"

360 fanboy, "360 can do it (bs link here)"

Fact of the matter is, MGS4 is a great game. It is on the PS3 exclusively, and will stay that way for a long time, if not forever. It will be on store shelves for a long time, so all of you to cheap to buy a PS3 now can get it when the price drops. Also if Konami, specifically Kojima (who Konami likes enough to put his name on the studio) thinks it is money and time effecient to put on the 360 will be a big factor. Will the sales on a different platform be enough to not only make the money back and then some, but worth it to postpone a new game, whether it is a new Metal Gear or a new IP entirely. If you are just a 360 fanboy and refuse to "move to the dark side" or some bs, you are missing out on a great game and it is your own damn fault. Love video games, not video game systems.  (In fact, I like that phrase so much, I think I will put it in my sig.)

Ylisen said:

I haven't played the game, but I'm a PS3 developer, working as a tech programmer. First of all there will most likely never will be a 360 version from a financial point of view. They would have to rewrite the entire engine for that. It's one thing when you program for multi platform from the beginning and a total other when you write your entire game targeted at a specific platform ( which MGS4 is ). I don't know what kind poly count your typical MGS4 scene has, but the PS3 have a theoretical peak which is beyond the 360s reach. This is because you can off load a lot of the heavy stuff on the SPUs for the PS3, which isn't possible on the 360. You can have a lot better occlusion culling which leads to better visuals.


Another area which I think the 360 will have a hard time to match is the animations, if you take a look at for example from Heavenly Sword you will see that the faces are very articulate. This is because they have a shitload of bones simulating the muscles in the face, this is one of the areas where the PS3 will out shine the 360 by a very very large margin, because this can also be entirely done on the SPUs very effeciently.


MGS4 uses an entire double layered Blu Ray disc as already mentioned, apart from graphical assets which can't be compressed lossless, I'd guess that the there's A LOT of gigs with sound. Sound can be compressed pretty decently without the average joe being able to hear a difference, if you gave up some sound quality you could probably get down to lets say ~30 - ~40 gigs, which is still a bit out of reach for DVD.


I"m not a programmer but reading your statement came to a conclusions: A - either you a poor programmer or B you are full of it.

financial point of view??? its called convert the code to work on xbox and if it can sell a few million on 360 thats some huge profit.

face expression?? you know you can still make the game without it??? just dont look as good but your still able to create the same god damn game!!

Just add the god damn discs, but it still able to create the same game with multiple discs.


DirtyP2002 said:

We all know the best game of all time, Shenmue, was released on 7 Discs and it was just awesome. Changing a disc does not ruin a game!

Wasn't Shenmue on four discs?  I'm just going to imagine that you said "Phantasmagoria" instead of "Shenmue", and everything will be alright.  As long as there is no mention of Phantasmagoria 2...

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

FJ-Warez said:
Pristine20 said:

Whoever wrote the wikipedia article on mgs4 doesn't concur


Important line:"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

According to the wiki article, the developers have already compressed the game to bring it down to 50gb. If they are right, your compression arguement may be flawed.


Go to the source, is a podcast, and is 40 minutes long, but there is no mention or such a thing like:


"Guns of the Patriots is the first PS3 game that uses a full 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Disc through extensive efforts in data compression"

You can't be serious. Read the "Development" section. You didn't even read the article and you're trying to discredit me?


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

PS3 is just better then 360, its that simple. Kojima didn't want to port the game if quality had to suffer at all.