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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are small Middle Eastern influences removed from games?

Griffin said:
Stuff like this happens all the time, you should see the amounts of movies and users who get banned on Youtube for talking about truthful things in the Koran. The muslim posters go all mental and write Youtube until all videos of anything that explains the truth about their religion is removed.

Yeah, poor VenomFangX, lol. He's back from the ban though.

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because developers have no balls, its just sad that you cant even have a middle eastern video gamer characther these days

Because they'll kill you and/or have their proxy groups (CAIR, etc.) harass and/or shake you down until you apologize/pay for blaspheming the faith and/or the prophet--if you're lucky, it's only the latter; if it's the former, it's time to move to the Arctic Circle.

While I agree that it's pretty sad that you can't actually criticize Islam without worrying about whether it'll be a fatal proposition, can you really fault the companies in question? Sure, it's ball-less as PS360ForTheWin succinctly noted, but if I'm running one of those companies, would you put potentially everyone working there in jeopardy to take a moral stand? Hell, ask Salman Rushdie about doing that, and he was just one guy.

Note: anyone on this thread that tries to draw a moral equivalence between overzealous Christians (or Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc.) and overzealous Muslims needs their PC/cognitive dissonance meter re-calibrated and/or replaced (probably suffering RROD: Red Rings of Denial). None of those groups have come to within even spitting distance of the religion of 'peace' as far as body count goes, especially over the past, oh, 500 years?