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Forums - Website Topics - Why did you join VGChartz? And how did you found out about it?

I joined to contribute to the smash bros updates thread, good times :)
and welcome btw :D

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Someone had a link to this site in their signature at

Brawl FC: 0473 - 7465 - 0612

Lol I joined before this site had any numbers. What 2 years ago maybe more give or take. It didnt have hardware at the time it had a couple of BIG titles that sold a lot (I think it had FF at the time) so I joined. I think I was one of (if not) the first members on this site. Man this site has changed.


Found it through a google search for sales figures. Lurked for over a year before taking the plunge. Met some good folks and had some great laughs.


Thatmax said:
I joined to contribute to the smash bros updates thread, good times :)
and welcome btw :D

 Thanks for the welcome!

 And it's seems I wasn't the only one lurking around before joining the site.. interesting.. just like those 1450 guests and 183 members.. we should do something about that to turn that around.. :)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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Google search.

Wait.This is VG Chartz?

I found this site from a google search for sales of the 360, PS3, and Wii.

My first visit to this site was back in 2006, i think i was looking for game sales. I started to read the forums in the first part of 2007 before the PS3 launched in Europe, i remember i liked kwaad and his posts back in the day, i never see him anymore on the boards. My first account was in March, April or May 2007

I googled for sales numbers, and bookmarked this shit as hard as I could. I came back every day and lurked, and then one day I snapped and joined for the lulz.