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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MASSIVE leak of Microsoft E3 info...

forza1 owns GT4

forza2 has no opponent


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konnichiwa said:
Slimebeast said:
kingofwale said:
Slimebeast said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.


GT5 eats Forza for breakfast.No competition,troll.

"Troll"... if that makes you feel better, ok.

GT5 will sell 6 million and Forza3 "only" 4 mill, but Forza3 will be the better game.

 well, it's great to see you can back it up with real data. Because we all know how Forza has always been better than GT series.

Gran Turismo 4: 89% on Gamerankings

GT5 Prologue: 80%

Forza 2: 90%

Enuff said.

 A new kind of cherry picking?

How is that cherry picking? The latest Forza 2 beats GT4 and the 80% for GT5Pro doesn't strengthen GT5's case.


tombi123 said:
Slimebeast said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Slimebeast said:
Crucible - amazing looking action-adventure game, AAA title. X360 being the adventure king of this gen confirmed.

Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed.


GT5 eats Forza for breakfast.No competition,troll.

"Troll"... if that makes you feel better, ok.

GT5 will sell 6 million and Forza3 "only" 4 mill, but Forza3 will be the better game.

I don't know if you were being sarcastic but I will tell you this anyway. No GT has ever sold under 9M.

Well if it sells 9 million it has to sell 6 million.


I'd say some of this information is real with a lot of fake information thrown in to take advantage.

There's no point in putting security on fake info that no one was supposed to find.

That said, some of the stuff is conceptual for surveys, which is why some of it may not 'make sense.'

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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I question the validity of the posts, but I'd die a VERY HAPPY man if this was true

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:


I question the validity of the posts, but I'd die a VERY HAPPY man if this was true

Not possible.  The balance board would break.  It's not designed ot be jumped on, and Nintendo says very specifically to never do it.  Not sure why Activision would be too stupid to know that.  Also why would it be priced $5 higher for no reason?

Much of this information is extremely suspect.  While some of it is true, I'm guessing at least 1/3 is fake. For example, there is no chance in hell that Trioxide is legal.

naznatips said:
thekitchensink said:


I question the validity of the posts, but I'd die a VERY HAPPY man if this was true

Not possible. The balance board would break. It's not designed ot be jumped on, and Nintendo says very specifically to never do it. Not sure why Activision would be too stupid to know that. Also why would it be priced $5 higher for no reason?

Much of this information is extremely suspect. While some of it is true, I'm guessing at least 1/3 is fake. For example, there is no chance in hell that Trioxide is legal.

I agree that this is mostly (if not completely) fake, it seems like it was done by someone who decided to throw in some subtle MS jabs. 2 discs in a racing game? Seems like satire to me. Plus all that blatant copying of Nintendo, etc.

As in go buy us some coffee.

SpartanFX said:
2 disc for a racing game??

that's odd,,,,

you are in the final lap all off a sudden a message pops on which says please insert disk2 to to finish the race.

 Just for the record, it takes about 10 seconds to eject a disk from the 360, replace it with another and press eject a second time.

It takes 8 minutes to install and load each level of Metal Gear Solid 4.


Both scenarios are just as ridiculous.



Slimebeast said:
konnichiwa said:
Slimebeast said:

Gran Turismo 4: 89% on Gamerankings

GT5 Prologue: 80%

Forza 2: 90%

Enuff said.

 A new kind of cherry picking?

How is that cherry picking? The latest Forza 2 beats GT4 and the 80% for GT5Pro doesn't strengthen GT5's case.


It's cherry picking because you compared a demo to a full game and a last gen game to a next gen game...

Let me do it better than you

GT - 94.7% - 21 reviews - 10.85 mil
GT2 - 92.5% - 25 reviews - 9.37 mil
GT3 - 94.2% - 78 reviews - 14.88 mil
GT4P - unrated - 1.36 mil (70 on metacritic with 16 reviews)
GT4 - 89.1% - 91 reviews - 10.06 mil
GT5P - 80.1% - 59 reviews - 2.23 mil

Forza - 93% - 85 reviews - 1.01 mil
Forza2 - 89.8% - 77 reviews - 3.89 mil

You also rounded up Forza and rounded down GT

I would say the 10% more GT5P has and the 870k extra sales it looks fantastic for GT5...