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Forums - Gaming Discussion - brand new Far Cry 2 gameplay vid(awesome)

selnor said:
wow. Games to come out in terms of graphics are like this.

1. Far Cry 2
2. Star Wars Force Unleased
3. Gears 2
4. Killzone 2
5. Fable 2

In that order.

Skeeuk said:

my 5 would be

  1. killzone 2
  2. little big planet
  3. mirrors edge
  4. gears 2
  5. motorstorm pacifica

I hope you guys are joking because none of those games would even be in the top 5 of games coming out soon, in terms of graphics. A better list is this:

1. Crysis Warhead


3. Empire: Total War

4. Dawn of War 2

5. Stalker: Clear Sky


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shio said:


I hope you guys are joking because none of those games would even be in the top 5 of games coming out soon, in terms of graphics. A better list is this:

1. Crysis Warhead


3. Empire: Total War

4. Dawn of War 2

5. Stalker: Clear Sky


1) We all know Crysis is going to look beyond amazing, but we really need to get the next series of high end graphics cards out. From what i have seen nothing is topping the 8800ultras that came out 1-2 years ago, even with tri-8800ultras the game never meet the early stuff they showed for crysis which was a little upsetting.

2) From what i have found we have only seen the one video from last E3 of RAGE, and from what i have seen and read on some forums that was CGI and a target render of what the game will be like. The game was in development for 18months at last E3, maybe this E3 they will show us some ingame stuff with a modern day set-up computer so we can see what it looks like.

3) This game appears to have no actual gameplay video's, i looked on a couple of sites and found nothing but CGI videos. the screenshots are also a hit and miss, some look good but others look rather poor.

4) Again i've looked for videos and even went to their site and found nothing. The graphics are ok for an RTS game from the screenshots but do not stand up to the console FPS games in any way.

5) I looked around and could only find video's from last years E3. The game was very rough looking with shitty looking graphics, the gun looked and sounded like shit too. The only modern video i could find was some night&day light cycle, which was nothing too special.


So out of your list of 5 games only 1 has beaten killzone2 and gears of war 2. And i would also like to see a computer racing game beat GT5p. But i guess that won't happen anytime soon.

PC fans are trolling and attacking ps360 now, Im leaving this thread.



Far Cry 2 will be amazing, just like the original (PC) version of Far Cry

shio said:
selnor said:
wow. Games to come out in terms of graphics are like this.

1. Far Cry 2
2. Star Wars Force Unleased
3. Gears 2
4. Killzone 2
5. Fable 2

In that order.

Skeeuk said:

my 5 would be

  1. killzone 2
  2. little big planet
  3. mirrors edge
  4. gears 2
  5. motorstorm pacifica

I hope you guys are joking because none of those games would even be in the top 5 of games coming out soon, in terms of graphics. A better list is this:

1. Crysis Warhead


3. Empire: Total War

4. Dawn of War 2

5. Stalker: Clear Sky



1. Far Cry 2

2. Crysis Bonehead

3. Alan Wake

4. Fable 2 

5. STALKER: Clear Sky

Around the Network
JaggedSac said:
FJ-Warez said:
Wow, sub 30 FPS, I hope this is the Console version, if not the game will be another unoptimized Crysis...

 Unoptimized Crysis is a little redundant.

 I still have a little hope for Crytek...

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