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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Spore on Wii? What's going on?

I don't mind that everyone gets to play, but how dumbed down is the game going to be on the DS and cellphones? I can see it working on pc/wii/ps3/360 fairly easily, but the hand helds?

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Any Spore Wii will be horribly gimped, that's a fact :P

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PC and DS games are going to be released at the same time, followed by wii.. nothing else confirmed, but i assume it will be followed by everything else

PC will be the one to get though i think.. if only for the modding potential

Kasz216 said:
Raziel Dune said:
yeah will has said he wants it on everything Wii, DS, PC, 360, PS3, Cellphones etc.

Though the DS version is going to be a "gimped" version.

It's more like a pokemon game where you design your own pokemon. (to my knowledge.)

Also while he said he wants it on everything....

Only the PC, Wii, Cellphone and DS versions has thus far been announced officially.

So the PS360,PSP, ports will likely come out later.


 I'm fairly certain he said the DS version will be simply the creature phase.

So would the Wii version be all phases--the full game?

Drooool......though really, I'll probably buy it on my Mac before the Wii version comes out. That much was promised--a simultaneous PC and Mac launch. Woohoo!

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DId any of you guys download the creature creator? It's really cool. I can't wait for the game.