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Forums - General Discussion - so where is the love for the Formula One?

The series that will drive every man crazy the F1 has quite a suprise this year. Kubica first in the standings, will Massa pass him and become the champ this year?

circuit i'm looking forward too is hockenheim great circuit and just around the corner, thats why also spa stands in my tom-tom^^

what are your feelings and involvements around this yearly spectacle

Around the Network

I am not into Formula one Racing...I prefer cycling...Soon Tour De France can't wait ^^''.

soccer/racing/cycling are my favourite sports

did you also watch the giro?

NBA > ALL.....I don't know why, but F1 is better than NASCAR but still boring...Grr I hate NASCAR...


I missed a big part of the giro coz of my work =/....

Around the Network

F1? Ew. Give me F0.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


F1 is way better than Nascar, but still boaring to see guys race around a track 85 times or so. How do people manage to play the games?

CaptainPrefrences said:
F1 is way better than Nascar, but still boaring to see guys race around a track 85 times or so. How do people manage to play the games?

pussies put them on 4 laps, the true fans go full lenght

i dont really watch them

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I hate watching any kind of racing, so boring, unless someone crashes.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089