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Forums - Sony Discussion - So how is Folklore? Should I get?

Its an action / adventure game with an amazing story, beautiful graphics and a wonderful atmosphere and sound. By sucking up the souls from the folks you'll become stronger. Your mission is to defeat the folklore in each realm which is from a colorful fairy realm to an underwater world.

You can also do quests, as side-quests, extra quests you can download through PSN. US / JP has the most extra quests. You have to pay for it of course.

Gameplay might be somewhat repetitive, but so is a Kingdom Hearts II, with which you can kind of compare it, concerning gameplay. The controls when it comes to motion sensing is one of the best on the PS3 IMO, plus the game runs very smoothly, no pop ups nor frame-rate issues.

I'd say its a must have, I really loved it! The story alone will keep you playing as its IMO one of the best stories out there.

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The fighting system is really dumb and it's not really that fun. I traded it in but if you're really in to wierd japanese shit then you might want to give it a look.

Feel free to add me as your friend-PSN ID: Bobo012893

The demo will give you a very good idea of how the game plays, although you will have no idea what the story is like, which is actually pretty well done. I thought it was done in an interesting way as well, as it feels like you are reading a detective story in a serialized novel or something.

I definitely recommend the game if you like JRPG's already. The active combat system is one of the games strong points for sure. I really didn't have too many complaints about the game except that Keats and Ellen's sections weren't differentiated enough, but the fact that their Folk do pretty different things helped alleviate that some.

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