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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft have 2 high profile games up their sleeve...

dbot said:
@Selnor - Was this the same news article that claimed MS's big E3 announcement would seem a bit "desperate"? I hope that MS has a great E3. The competition between MS and Sony can only benefit gamers.
It's not just on one site. type it on google. It's on almost every gaming site now. I'd say M$ are set to storm E3. 


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It all depends on what the announcement is. If it is two casual titles people will say its desperation but I don't think microsoft cares.

Yea, but no one knows what Sony or Nintendo may be up to, specially Nintendo.

Better wait for E3, a good advice.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

@selnor - I think Sony and Nintendo will have press conferences at E3 as well. All 3 will announce games/devices for the next year. Of the three conferences, MS has the most to lose or gain. They are in third place in Japan and Europe and they are having issues in North America. As a Sony fan, I am all too familiar with Internet rumors and hype.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Two more games to an already amazing lineup. Awesome job M$.

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dbot said:
@selnor - I think Sony and Nintendo will have press conferences at E3 as well. All 3 will announce games/devices for the next year. Of the three conferences, MS has the most to lose or gain. They are in third place in Japan and Europe and they are having issues in North America. As a Sony fan, I am all too familiar with Internet rumors and hype.
 See I think with Sony only having LBP left for the rest of 2008 it's a very tough E3 for Sony. M$ will no doubt plug the exclusives they got last week in terms of 3 JRPG's and also plug the other 6 big hitters they have left this year. On top of that there are 2 more we didnt know about. If you ask me Sony have massive pressure. Nintendo on the other hand wouldnt need to turn up and they would still sell awesome. 


Can i hear a halo 4 for next year

selnor said:
dbot said:
@selnor - I think Sony and Nintendo will have press conferences at E3 as well. All 3 will announce games/devices for the next year. Of the three conferences, MS has the most to lose or gain. They are in third place in Japan and Europe and they are having issues in North America. As a Sony fan, I am all too familiar with Internet rumors and hype.
 See I think with Sony only having LBP left for the rest of 2008 it's a very tough E3 for Sony. M$ will no doubt plug the exclusives they got last week in terms of 3 JRPG's and also plug the other 6 big hitters they have left this year. On top of that there are 2 more we didnt know about. If you ask me Sony have massive pressure. Nintendo on the other hand wouldnt need to turn up and they would still sell awesome. 


 Besides LBP they also got resistance 2, but yeah other than that it'll be tough to match the barrage of exclusives coming to the 360.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
selnor said:
dbot said:
@selnor - I think Sony and Nintendo will have press conferences at E3 as well. All 3 will announce games/devices for the next year. Of the three conferences, MS has the most to lose or gain. They are in third place in Japan and Europe and they are having issues in North America. As a Sony fan, I am all too familiar with Internet rumors and hype.
See I think with Sony only having LBP left for the rest of 2008 it's a very tough E3 for Sony. M$ will no doubt plug the exclusives they got last week in terms of 3 JRPG's and also plug the other 6 big hitters they have left this year. On top of that there are 2 more we didnt know about. If you ask me Sony have massive pressure. Nintendo on the other hand wouldnt need to turn up and they would still sell awesome.


Besides LBP they also got resistance 2, but yeah other than that it'll be tough to match the barrage of exclusives coming to the 360.



FaRmLaNd said:
starcraft said:
Yeah. KNights of the Old Republic 3 or Jade Empire 2 exclusive would be HUGE!!!!

IT would only happen if MS had a deal in place BEFORE EA bought Bioware though.

Well I wouldn't be surprised. Bioware could have just outsourced it to obsidianwhile they were working on mass effect. I know its pure speculation but I live in hope that KOTOR 3 gets made. Jade empire 2 would be good aswell.

We don't know that, in the article they say: "Our source didn't specify whether the pair of games will be totally new titles, or just missing names from the 360 line-up (Halo Wars or Alan Wake would be fantastic additions to the 360 Christmas list)." I believe it's an unnanounced game to launch with the XMote and probably Halo Wars.


perculator said:
Can i hear a halo 4 for next year

 Halo 4 a possible launch title for a new XBox in 2010.