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selnor said:
dbot said:
@selnor - I think Sony and Nintendo will have press conferences at E3 as well. All 3 will announce games/devices for the next year. Of the three conferences, MS has the most to lose or gain. They are in third place in Japan and Europe and they are having issues in North America. As a Sony fan, I am all too familiar with Internet rumors and hype.
 See I think with Sony only having LBP left for the rest of 2008 it's a very tough E3 for Sony. M$ will no doubt plug the exclusives they got last week in terms of 3 JRPG's and also plug the other 6 big hitters they have left this year. On top of that there are 2 more we didnt know about. If you ask me Sony have massive pressure. Nintendo on the other hand wouldnt need to turn up and they would still sell awesome. 


 Besides LBP they also got resistance 2, but yeah other than that it'll be tough to match the barrage of exclusives coming to the 360.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).