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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do graphics matter?

It seems that having the best graphics has to mean something. So why does it matter. Please tell me why graphics should be a rated, or why graphics should be compared. I see no point because as long as the game looks good you get use to it after 10 minutes and don't care about the graphics anymore. The only reason why I think graphcis should advance is because of how I say wow to the improvement, but I don't think it matters at all when you actually play the game. So people who think graphics matter tell me why.


Edit: Also I've seen many people who say that graphics are the most important thing to them. 

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Aye, agreed. I dunno why graphics have to be the best. 'Course, that's cause we (probably we) grew up on pixels, where all we had was 2D graphics, and they were awesome :3 Any of the new generation grew up with super graphics and probably find it hard to adjust. It shouldn't be as big of a deal as it in my opinion though.

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Graphics make the game more real, making it more atmospheric and intensive.

Graphics matter a lot to me, hence I picked up the PS3 and had the original Xbox.


Because graphics are da shizzle.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Well I don't think graphics really matter that much. I think it's hard to make a bad looking game now days, especially on the PS3, 360 and PC. Basically for me a game doesn't have to be technically amazing, but I do want to be able to make out what things are, so I don't like a muddy looking game. I like my games to have some form of atmostphere as well, so the game has to look interesting at least with interesting colour choice and so on.
What I think is more important than graphics (besides gameplay) is sound. I think repetitive or bad music and bad voice acting hurts a game.

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I'd rather play Sonic Adventure or hell, even Sonic the Hedgehog (the original) over the new Sonic the Hedgehog on the xbox 360, because you know what really matters? Gameplay. The graphics on the 360 version looked nice, but after a few seconds of looking at the game, you...err...I completely forget about how specific the details and graphics are, and I care more about the overall experience of the game and the gameplay.

Graphics really seem to only matter before I start playing the game. =P Once I start playing, I forget all about them.


EDIT: Actually I take that back, it's not just all about gameplay. It's about the music, the atmosphere, the artwork, the gameplay, and whatever else I'm forgetting to mention here. =P

Also, if the artwork is spectacular, graphics matter even less to me. 

Graphics matter because you wouldn't wanna play "METAL GEAR SOLID 4: GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS THE DOS TEXT GAME."

#Snake walks forward.
#Snake Stops
#Snake looks in a 90 degree direction from where he stands
#Snake looks intensive
#Snake sneaks
#Snake... etc .. you get the idea :P

Check out my game about moles ^

wfz said:

I'd rather play Sonic Adventure or hell, even Sonic the Hedgehog (the original) over the new Sonic the Hedgehog on the xbox 360, because you know what really matters? Gameplay. The graphics on the 360 version looked nice, but after a few seconds of looking at the game, you...err...I completely forget about how specific the details and graphics are, and I care more about the overall experience of the game and the gameplay.

Graphics really seem to only matter before I start playing the game. =P Once I start playing, I forget all about them.


EDIT: Actually I take that back, it's not just all about gameplay. It's about the music, the atmosphere, the artwork, the gameplay, and whatever else I'm forgetting to mention here. =P

Also, if the artwork is spectacular, graphics matter even less to me. 

I agree with you

I think the art direction of graphics matters alot, but the technical aspects of graphics mean little to me.


When talking about entertainment, presentation matters. 5.1 audio is better then mono. High quality recoded music is better then low quality music.

A lot of people would say the words, and the musical score of a song is more important then the singer. Go to Karaoke one night and listen to your favorite song, and tell me you love it just as much when a 65 year old grandmother with no teeth sings it.

Very old black and white movies, if done today with the same actors and same dialog, yet with modern move technology were to remake a move, it would be better.

Graphics tell a story, just like actors, sound, and music. To lose any of those, is to create something that is less.

Inversely, to improve on any of those, gives you more. I always want more :)