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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what console has the best exclusives so far?

It depends what you like.Whether a console has the best exclusives depends more on your own perceptions than anything else

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

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PS3. Uncharted, R & C, MGS4, Resistance, GT5: P, etc...

Plus the strongest lineup for the next year atleast.


well Im playing MGS4 atm. and my god is it awesome. one of the best Games ive ever played 10/10

Hands down the wii, Nintendo consoles will always have the best exclusives, they are just a power house at making their own first party games. Sony and M$ cannot compete in putting out first party games in terms of quality and quantity and third party exclusives are a dying rarity.


I think its all subjective for which console has the greatest line-up of exclusive games. A strong case could be made for any platform, it all comes down to what each individual user wants out of their system.

For me it would be PS3. The PS3 offers me the exclusive games that best fit what i want from a system. Nintendo offers little to nothing in terms of what i want and the 360 is off my list forever because i will not be paying $400 a video game generation to play my games online.

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This is all a matter of taste. If you're asking what console has the best exclusives for me, then I'm probably gonna have to say the PS3. (I haven't played the majority of games I'm about to list. Simply, if I had to chose a console based on the games I like and there were no price difference between the consoles, I would base my decision on the following game) All the games listed are out in at least on region.


Heavenly Sword. Folklore. Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Resistance Fall Of Man. Warhawk. Uncharted Drakes Fortune. Metal Gear Solid 4. Yukuza 3



Zelda: Twilight Princess. Super Mario Galaxy. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. SSBB. No More Heroes. Mario Kart Wii. Metroid Prime 3. Zack And Wiki.



Ninja Gaiden II. Dead Rising. Lost Odyssee. 

for my gaming preferences the Playstation 3
I have to say that on this console for the half year i've had it, i've played some of the best games i have ever tried.

These include:
Heavenly Sword (Highly underrated, this game is epic and the way you use the sixaxis makes me wonder how people can even call it a gimmick)
Uncharted (beautiful game)
Resistance (ah yes, very boring in the beginning but one of the best fps games this gen lol. It's quite impressive how it pulls itself out after a meh beginning and the rest of the game is win)
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (by far the most realistic driving game i have tried. Also the only one that makes you wanna use the cockpit view option as it actually somehow works XD)
Lair (Don't shoot me. I'll admit it's not amongst the greatest, but i quite like this game.. it's just freaking hard lol. I think it looses on the story and partially on the difficulty. I also believe the controls could have been adjusted a little, but other than that are pretty good actually :P)

I also can't wait to get my hands on Tekken 6, MGS4, Uncharted 2, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, God of War 3, Final Fantasy (and versus) XIII and not to mention the full Gran Turismo 5.

I bet there will be more aswell :P hope thers something good at e3.

Check out my game about moles ^

If we're meaning review scores, I don't know

If we're meaning our own personal taste, then definitely the Wii

The X360 easily:

Ace Combat 6
Lost Odyssey
Gears of War
Blue Dragon
Forza 2
Dead Rising
Halo 3
Ninja Gaiden 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 3
Saints Row
Viva Pinata
Eternal Sonata
Mass Effect
Two Worlds


Alan Wake
Star Ocean 4
Fable 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Last Remnant
Tales of Vesperia
Two Worlds: The Temptation
Sacred 2
Universe at War
Lost Planet: Colonies
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Supreme Commander
Age of Conan
Too Human
Gears of War 2
Left 4 Dead
Banjo Kazooie 3
Dead Island
Halo Wars
Halo Chronicles

Note: this is not a complete list, I only included 40 good examples, most of the AA and AAA titles.

That list gets significantly neutered if you have a PC, Slimebeast.

All 3 are now strong for varying tastes, in my opinion.">">