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This is all a matter of taste. If you're asking what console has the best exclusives for me, then I'm probably gonna have to say the PS3. (I haven't played the majority of games I'm about to list. Simply, if I had to chose a console based on the games I like and there were no price difference between the consoles, I would base my decision on the following game) All the games listed are out in at least on region.


Heavenly Sword. Folklore. Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Resistance Fall Of Man. Warhawk. Uncharted Drakes Fortune. Metal Gear Solid 4. Yukuza 3



Zelda: Twilight Princess. Super Mario Galaxy. Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. SSBB. No More Heroes. Mario Kart Wii. Metroid Prime 3. Zack And Wiki.



Ninja Gaiden II. Dead Rising. Lost Odyssee.