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Forums - Gaming Discussion - what console has the best exclusives so far?

ps3 just got MGS4 which is a great exclusive,and 360 has halo3,but i think wii has the best exclusives with SMG,SSBB,MKWii,NMH,MP3 which are all great.

now ofcourse ps3 and 360 also have other good exclusives but i think wii has em the best.

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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It really depends on taste. Review scores and perceived quality can be pretty artificial.



Wii hands down. The ps3 and 360 good games are usually already multiplats or will be. There are a few exclusives though.

But it is my opinion, and others may not feel that way. 

For me, It's the Wii, that is until GT5 is released.

PS3 still has the most games I enjoy, when including multi-plats.

As in go buy us some coffee.

sc94597 said:

Wii hands down. The ps3 and 360 good games are usually already multiplats or will be. There are a few exclusives though.

But it is my opinion, and others may not feel that way. 

thats what i also think wii has the best exclusives,but ps3/360 have the best multi-plats

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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Hmm Lost Odyssey, Mass effect, Halo 3, Gears of war, Bioshock (For now), Ninja Gaiden 2 and Upcoming we have Fable 2 - Left 4 dead, Tales of Vesperia, Too Human, Gears 2, Sacred 2, and you know the HD exclusives such as Resident evil 5 and Call of duty 4 and Farcry 2 etc etc.


^exclusives mean only on one console,alot of those arent only on 360,and you cant use HD exclusives since that means its on more then one console

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Squilliam said:
Hmm Lost Odyssey, Mass effect, Halo 3, Gears of war, Bioshock (For now), Ninja Gaiden 2 and Upcoming we have Fable 2 - Left 4 dead, Tales of Vesperia, Too Human, Gears 2, Sacred 2, and you know the HD exclusives such as Resident evil 5 and Call of duty 4 and Farcry 2 etc etc.

 Bolded aren't exclusives. Bolded red probably won't stay exclusive. Pc counts too because it is multiplat not multiconsole. I also don't get what you mean by hd excusive. It's still on more than one platform so it's not exclusive. 

Besides, a lot of those 360 games are on the PC too anyways, and a bunch of them haven't even come out yet.



^yeah i dont nkow why he posted em,xclusives mean only on one system

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"