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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Just completed MGS4...Wow.

epsilon72 said:
This isn't trying to flame or anything, but:

Is the game still monochrome? The look of nearly all of the screenshots from earlier on that I've seen really bugs me. Most sites don't seem to have them updated though.

I like the look of it, I think it looks better than those screenshots and it's been a pretty impressive game.

Lets not forget about the frame rate compared to the early trailers *shudders*, lol

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I just finished it about an hour ago.This is by far not the greatest gaming experience i ever had.The story and voice overs were cheese.The gameplay wasnt anything special and i had a hard time getting into the story.

Fanboys are so blind its crazy this games a solid 8.0 and thats as far as ill take it.

The graphics were cheese as well.

Hapimeses said:

Yup, me too. I completed it yesterday. I'm half way through my second play through (zero kills this time, and zero continues, and zero items used, that sort of thing).

It is epic. It does rock. It is the best game I've played for bloody ages. I love it, dodgy dialogue and all.

My first play through was 23 hours. My second looks like it will be a little longer, as I'm being far, far more careful this time. Apparently you can do it in just under 5 hours (you need to to get the best emblem); I find that pretty hard to believe with the way I play.



And, no, the cutscenes weren't too long (for me, at least). 

23 hours of play on the first day of release, jesus did you get any sleep?

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome


Seriously I've just met EVA now....n the cutscenes cum gameplay that was to follow were the most stylised & fun bits ever.....everything was really slick in a really cool environment n architecture

I can't wait to show this game of to friends./

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


I want to EXPLORE the battlefield....find new stuff and so in fact I'm on the 21th hour n I think I'm halfway through ACT 3....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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It took me a little over 17 hours to play it; I'll most likely play through it again within the next week or so after my exams are finished. There were a few long cutscenes, nothing ridiculous though, and nowhere near how much time was spent on gameplay.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

DMeisterJ said:
So was half the game cutscens?

Longest cutscene?

According to Joystiq:
Yes, roughly half.
Almost one and a half hours.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

been playing for 6 hours straight and its the best game i have ever played.


really....I am taking very long./////lol

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

BomberMan08 said:
I just finished it about an hour ago.This is by far not the greatest gaming experience i ever had.The story and voice overs were cheese.The gameplay wasnt anything special and i had a hard time getting into the story.

Fanboys are so blind its crazy this games a solid 8.0 and thats as far as ill take it.

The graphics were cheese as well.

I think you are the only one that feels that way.... but at least the cheese of that game goes well with your wine right?