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Hapimeses said:

Yup, me too. I completed it yesterday. I'm half way through my second play through (zero kills this time, and zero continues, and zero items used, that sort of thing).

It is epic. It does rock. It is the best game I've played for bloody ages. I love it, dodgy dialogue and all.

My first play through was 23 hours. My second looks like it will be a little longer, as I'm being far, far more careful this time. Apparently you can do it in just under 5 hours (you need to to get the best emblem); I find that pretty hard to believe with the way I play.



And, no, the cutscenes weren't too long (for me, at least). 

23 hours of play on the first day of release, jesus did you get any sleep?

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome