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Forums - Sales Discussion - For Microsoft to cripple Sony

it will only help a lot in North America, and somewhat in Others.

The $50 price cut in others recently did nothing, PS3 still outsold it. But it would be great for NA.

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obieslut said:

If Microsoft cut the price of the x360's in half it could be the end of the sony ps3 unless the follow. if Microsoft want to stick the knife into sony they can do it, it is not like they can not afford it, pluss if micrsoft did this it could prevent sony from competing in the next generation, which i swhat Microsoft probably want anyway.

This just in: if Microsoft gave away 360s for free, it could also be the end of Sony.

In the real world, Microsoft has to make at least a token effort at turning a profit (which they're doing much better at - because they haven't been price cutting). As hard as it may be to believe, Microsoft and Sony do not exist solely to please their Internet fanboys.

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End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

I made these a while ago but they apply oh so well:


The Mind of a Fanboy....

Sony's new offer!!! 

Microsoft Responds!!! 


To Each Man, Responsibility
rocketpig said:
Pristine20 said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
There is a huge difference in the financial positions of both Microsoft and Sony. MS by far has a lot more finances that it can do whatever it takes to dominate any market it choses. Sony can not afford to take such heavy losses, by heavily reducing PS3. Losses on PS3 in 18 months has already erased the profits Sony made on PS2.

Actually Sony is a bigger company than M$. The reason why M$ would have more funds to waste is because their main shareholder is far from strapped for cash. sony on the other hand has to answer to its investors.

PS3 losses have only erased PS2 hardware profits not software profits which are the real moneymaker---huge difference.

Companies get into an industry to make money, not to throw money away because the owner of the company is the richest man in the world. With that attitude, you definitely won't be hired for any business position. fanboys can bicker all they want, this industry is about PROFIT as much as everyone seems to forget.

Its funny but I think its this very attitude that got Kutaragi fired. He's just one of the fanboys not a businessman lol.

Not. Even. Close.

MS is worthy roughly 5 times more than Sony.

And what does Bill Gates have to do with this? Did you ever think where his wealth comes from?

Here's a hint... Microsoft stock. MS has to answer to its investors, the same as every other publicly-traded company. 

Rocketpig, you had me on that one. i could have sworn that I read  a fortunt 100 list that had Sony in the 40s and M$ in the 60s but that was a long time ago and things might have changed greatly.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

It would have had to be a long time ago. MS has been huge since Win95.

Anyway, not really important. While MS itself is huge, the games division needs to earn its keep. They have to show profit potential sooner or later or the division will get the axe.

Which is why the 360 sits with one lousy $50 price cut in NA over a 31 month period.

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Microsoft has already crippled Sony.

They both have acknowledged defeat and won't bleed to attempt what they can't do. They'll basically do a gamecube and end the gen with profits and a hopefully without sustaining heavy brand name hits. Don't expect bold moves. As it's been stated, MS has just started seeing some profits and sony is facing the challenge of diminishing ps2 revenue while the ps3 is still costing them money (overall, not referring strictly to cost-price on the unit itself).

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

It would be stupid at this point if microsoft cut the price by that much. Holding off on the price cuts is the best thing they could possibly do atm for a number of reasons.

1. They need profitability, They've made money in the last 3 quarters, a cut like this would wipe that all out.

2: Sales are pretty good anyway

3: They're displaying year on year growth

4: The only area that needed a cut was Europe. Since the cut the 360 has been selling on average a lot more.

5: They still have a massive lead over sony and they're never going to catch the wii so they might aswell milk it for as long as humanly possible.

Cripple their profitability at the same time lol.

Quite simply reducing the 360 price won't make that much of a difference. First off the PS3 is 299 right now if you go to walmart or, the better choice, get it at best buy where they price match it at 299. Further the 360 is a really bad deal even at 200 dollars since there's no built in anything...Tiny ass 20GB HD, no Wifi, unreliable system. At 299 the PS3 is a much better deal (which is what it would go to if MS did a reduction). Also the 360 really has nothing going for it right now, the last big/good release was in 07 (no GTA4 doesn't count since both consoles got it). With MGS4 getting tons of 10s I bet you its going to sell a lot of systems, as far as I can tell the 80GB bundle is sold out everywhere (I looked at pretty much every online store that sells electronics, 3 local best buys, frys, 4 gamestops, its going for 600 on Ebay). Unless somehow Too Human or that other crap through Gears of War is awesome which I doubt theres no way 360 is making up any ground. It will never lead in WW sales again because of others and Japan where the PS3 does way better.

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