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Quite simply reducing the 360 price won't make that much of a difference. First off the PS3 is 299 right now if you go to walmart or, the better choice, get it at best buy where they price match it at 299. Further the 360 is a really bad deal even at 200 dollars since there's no built in anything...Tiny ass 20GB HD, no Wifi, unreliable system. At 299 the PS3 is a much better deal (which is what it would go to if MS did a reduction). Also the 360 really has nothing going for it right now, the last big/good release was in 07 (no GTA4 doesn't count since both consoles got it). With MGS4 getting tons of 10s I bet you its going to sell a lot of systems, as far as I can tell the 80GB bundle is sold out everywhere (I looked at pretty much every online store that sells electronics, 3 local best buys, frys, 4 gamestops, its going for 600 on Ebay). Unless somehow Too Human or that other crap through Gears of War is awesome which I doubt theres no way 360 is making up any ground. It will never lead in WW sales again because of others and Japan where the PS3 does way better.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me