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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Fable 2 Screens. One sexy looking game.

starcraft said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
starcraft said:
Once again whilst the environments look like the best seen on a console so far, the character models retain Fable one's "blockiness." Thats either good or bad depending on what you think of the style.

The Fable "blockiness" is part of the art style of the characters within the game. Fable 's strongest points will have to be its gameplay and storyline.

Gameplay is very important in a game. there have been some good looking games with top graphics with average gameplay. Crysis for PC is a fine example of that.

Another strongpoint for Fable is clearly its environments. If you check out the gameplay vids, you can see it looks better than any graphical environment on consoles thus far. Including Gears, ME and Uncharted.


 Based on those pictures, it doesen't touch uncharted... No offence, but i think you are pimping it up more out of will than out of fact. Then again it's all down to personal preference.. 

Check out my game about moles ^

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Slimebeast said:

You are of course right, we need to be formal and correct so far.

But what we are allowed to do is to speculate, project and predict.






OF course...



starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Staude said:

Based on those pictures, it doesen't touch uncharted... No offence, but i think you are pimping it up more out of will than out of fact. Then again it's all down to personal preference..

You'll notice I said gameplay vids.

Check out the gameplay video (I'm going to delete the trailer as its incorrectly labelled and people keep mixing it up).  IT beats Uncharted easily. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

FaRmLaNd said:
Uncharted is a small game in comparison. Its easy to make a small area really highly detailed.

 You need to try it... There are times where you can look across entire forrests or seas to other islands where the detail still is. I'm not saying that you are wrong but uncharted draws some pretty big ass areas sometimes !

Check out my game about moles ^

I member thinking first time I saw the GDC demo-clips (or even earlier), and Im sure starcraft must have thought the same, "this game looks so gorgeous in action, why on earth haven't they released new trailers to show it off?".

Maybe they're saving that for trailers released during E3

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Staude said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Uncharted is a small game in comparison. Its easy to make a small area really highly detailed.

You need to try it... There are times where you can look across entire forrests or seas to other islands where the detail still is. I'm not saying that you are wrong but uncharted draws some pretty big ass areas sometimes !

The same can be said for Gears, Halo 3 and Heavenly Sword.

Rendering distant lands that you can't actually play through in what appears to be (somewhat deceptively) great detail is not difficult for either the PS3 or the 360. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Slimebeast said:
I member thinking first time I saw the GDC demo-clips (or even earlier), and Im sure starcraft must have thought the same, "this game looks so gorgeous in action, why on earth haven't they released new trailers to show it off?".

Maybe they're saving that for trailers released during E3

I think Microsoft got burned badly by the Too Human debacle.  They showed it too early and paid the price.  Now with Halo Wars, Banjo and Fable they are only very slowly releasing gameplay vids.

The one truthful thing Gobias said in this thread was that the Microsoft Gamer's Day trailer wasn't impressive.  Its incredible that they have such a beautiful looking game avaliable and that they made such a crappy, last minute kind of trailer. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS


starcraft said:
Staude said:

Based on those pictures, it doesen't touch uncharted... No offence, but i think you are pimping it up more out of will than out of fact. Then again it's all down to personal preference..

You'll notice I said gameplay vids.

Check out the gameplay video (I'm going to delete the trailer as its incorrectly labelled and people keep mixing it up). IT beats Uncharted easily.


Calm down Starcraft. Now it migth beat Uncharted, we don't know until release day. But you say that too easily for my likeing lol.

I don't trust screen shots really. I'll wait till release day to see how the game turns out. I've seen a few games that get released, and have their graphics toned down. I remember Deus Ex Invisible Wars.. those screens were so good, but the final product kinda sucked ass. Age of Conan was toned down too as well I think. It looks good now, but lets not get too crazy guys. And really, you'll hardly know that it looks better than Uncharted anyway.

And so what if it does look better, the release between the two games is going to be over a year, not surprising if it does look better. We expect those kind of things with time.

And how dare you attack MGS4 graphics starcraft! =P

TheRealMafoo said:
starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Uncharted will be passed by some game (in some ways MGS4 looks better), but it has not yet, and Fable 2 will not be it. Sorry, it just does not look remotely as good.

You can say it 10 more times if you like, but that still won't make it true ;)

Did you watch the co-op demo? The environment is far more vibrant than Uncharted's was (based off my gametime impressions and the trailer you linked too). Many people in this thread seem to agree with me. Put simply, it just looks better, and that was 8 months out from launch.

FYI people, the co-op demo is captured off screen, not a direct feed. And it STILL looks amazing.

I am not saying it doesn't look great. If you had come in here and said something like "Best looking RPG graphics of all time", I would have agreed with you (although Mass Effect looks good, but not in the same way).

Fable 2 has a cartoon look to it. The vegetation is "fattened" up to give it more volume, and to better match the characters. Uncharted went the direction of realism.

I like where Uncharted went more then I like where Fable went.

Great graphics to me, is the ability to suspend disbelief, and put the player into the game. The more realistic you can make things, the better that is achieved imo. Uncharted did it better.

 I dont think Uncharted went for realism. I think it looks rather suedo cartoony. Yes I have played it, and I never really understood what most people thought that the graphics were so good for. I just hate last gen textures and Uncharted had a few.