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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - New Fable 2 Screens. One sexy looking game.

starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Uncharted will be passed by some game (in some ways MGS4 looks better), but it has not yet, and Fable 2 will not be it. Sorry, it just does not look remotely as good.

You can say it 10 more times if you like, but that still won't make it true ;)

Did you watch the co-op demo?  The environment is far more vibrant than Uncharted's was (based off my gametime impressions and the trailer you linked too).  Many people in this thread seem to agree with me.  Put simply, it just looks better, and that was 8 months out from launch.

FYI people, the co-op demo is captured off screen, not a direct feed.   And it STILL looks amazing.


I am not saying it doesn't look great. If you had come in here and said something like "Best looking RPG graphics of all time", I would have agreed with you (although Mass Effect looks good, but not in the same way).

Fable 2 has a cartoon look to it. The vegetation is "fattened" up to give it more volume, and to better match the characters. Uncharted went the direction of realism.

I like where Uncharted went more then I like where Fable went.

Great graphics to me, is the ability to suspend disbelief, and put the player into the game. The more realistic you can make things, the better that is achieved imo. Uncharted did it better.

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starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Actually, I take that back. From a pure visual point of view, GT5:p looks better then Uncharted.

It's not as good of a game as I would like it to be, but it's visuals are unmatched by any game.

EDIT: On a console ;) (Crysis fans please go away :p)

Actually, speaking frankly, GT5:P and PGR4 look better than most games on any system. But thats always been the case with racing games (that are not sandbox titles) as the console only needs to render a tiny field of play (comparitively speaking).


Uh...PGR4 has pretty weak graphics (compared to GT5:P anyways), but it's an arcade game, not a sim, so it's graphics don't need to be good.

As in go buy us some coffee.


Watch the gameplay demonstrations please.

Slimebeast said:

Watch the gameplay demonstrations please.

 I did, my complaints remain the same.

As in go buy us some coffee.

Gobias said:

Yes, you're right. ~3 people directly agreed with you on the fact that Fable looks better than Uncharted, that's well over half.

Except ~7 people agreed that Uncharted looks better. (Forgive me if my count is off, it's late, but the point remains)

You post said; ""Tell me how the gameplay video I linked to ended?"

I naturally assumed that the video you were talking about was the one called gameplay, but as I have already said the video differences are irrelevent so I won't dwell on this moot point. Perhaps if this was a gameplay discussion this would mean something, but we are talking in respect to graphics here, and obviously a trailer is supposed to give a better picture of the graphics then a gameplay demo.

If you think refuting my points about this game encompasses you saying "I have played uncharted and this 8 month old footage which I assume will be improved makes me think it will look better" then you are seriously wrong.

That's stating an opinion, you've refuted nothing. I clearly explained why the subject matters of the video is irrelevent, if you cannot understand that then I'm afraid it is you who are at fault.

Kind of sad that an aussie considers this aggressive.


You say the video differences are irrelevant?  So you HAVE watched the co-op demo now?  Now will you tell me how it ends (forgive me, but having never seen you post a positive thing about the 360, I struggle to take your word on things like this).

Trailers are supposed to do a great number of things.  That isn't always the case unfortunately.  For example, the original Too Human trailer was horrible, and turned a great number of people off the title.

You have misunderstood me.  I don't think that with improvements Fable 2 will look better than Uncharted, I think it ALREADY looks better than Uncharted.  I just think its likely that with more development time the difference will become more, not less pronounced.

You say I stated an opinion, and refuted nothing.  But given we are having a graphical debate, isn't your point an opinion too?

Also, up until your post, only six people had indicated a direct preference of Uncharted over Fable 2 or visa versa graphically.   The spilt was exactly 3:3.

Beyond that, opinions on Fable 2's graphics were overwhelmingly positive.  

I'd like to say that you had an unfortunate instance of miscalculation but...........


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Gobias said:
Slimebeast said:

Watch the gameplay demonstrations please.

I did, my complaints remain the same.

Which is why you haven't made a single direct reference to anything in it?

And why even though it looks far and away better than the trailer, your opinion hasn't altered at all? 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

You keep comparing a linear action game with frozen and non interactive and non dynamic environments (that of course look awesome) with a non linear open world RPG which also looks fantastic.
You are an idiot or you have played like, lets say, 4 games this generation.
End of story. Enjoy your Uncharted, let us enjoy Fable.
To all those who say something about Fable's 1 visuals. This game alone looked better than any GC and PS2 game for the last generation. And it was far from being the best looking XBOX game.

@starcraft. You are making the same mistake too. You shouldn't collaborate to such a debate. Can you compare GTAIV graphics to Gears of War ones? No.
I have the same love and anticipation for this game, but i don't drift with any random fanboy's comment and false perception of reality.

epinefridis said:
You keep comparing a linear action game with frozen and non interactive and non dynamic environments (that of course look awesome) with a non linear open world RPG which also looks fantastic.
You are an idiot or you have played like, lets say, 4 games this generation.
End of story. Enjoy your Uncharted, let us enjoy Fable.
To all those who say something about Fable's 1 visuals. This game alone looked better than any GC and PS2 game for the last generation. And it was far from being the best looking XBOX game.

@starcraft. You are making the same mistake too. You shouldn't collaborate to such a debate. Can you compare GTAIV graphics to Gears of War ones? No.
I have the same love and anticipation for this game, but i don't drift with any random fanboy's comment and false perception of reality.

While I agree with you that there are reasons the environments are better in uncharted (liner game), the fact of the matter is they are. Starcraft is the one that claimed first that Fable 2 was better (as he stated Fable 2 has the best environments seen this gen in any game)

So while I agree with you, I think you have the order a little confused. Starcraft opened up this debate. He is not countering it. 

starcraft said:

You say the video differences are irrelevant? So you HAVE watched the co-op demo now? Now will you tell me how it ends (forgive me, but having never seen you post a positive thing about the 360, I struggle to take your word on things like this).

Trailers are supposed to do a great number of things. That isn't always the case unfortunately. For example, the original Too Human trailer was horrible, and turned a great number of people off the title.

You have misunderstood me. I don't think that with improvements Fable 2 will look better than Uncharted, I think it ALREADY looks better than Uncharted. I just think its likely that with more development time the difference will become more, not less pronounced.

You say I stated an opinion, and refuted nothing. But given we are having a graphical debate, isn't your point an opinion too?

Also, up until your post, only six people had indicated a direct preference of Uncharted over Fable 2 or visa versa graphically. The spilt was exactly 3:3.

Beyond that, opinions on Fable 2's graphics were overwhelmingly positive.

I'd like to say that you had an unfortunate instance of miscalculation but...........

Let's do this the hard way then.

"Really? Background doesn't look that great, its nice, but Uncharted had better enviroment grahpics. Still would love to have fable 2, if its longer than the first one."

"Uncharted environments look a lot better then this game, so saying it has the best environments to date is a stretch."

"still feel uncharted looks alot better than this"

"graphics on fable will be brilliant although it wont be gt5p uncharted or mgs4 but still it should still look good"

"I really do think that Uncharted looks better, i mean come on look at the ruins picture, no contest at all."

"I watched the video. It looks good, but Uncharted blows it away in the visuals department."

"Based on the demo showings, Fable is the best looking game in this gen." (Not really direct but I'll give it to you anyways, since you're gonna lose :P)

"Uncharted is a small game in comparison. Its easy to make a small area really highly detailed." (Again, not direct, but whatever)

Hmmm.. 3:3 you say? For the record, I didn't count you or me.

Also; Overwhelmingly positive?

"I would say that these screenshots suck. But, I won't, because Fable didn't have brilliant graphics, but it's still in my top 3"

"lol r we looking at the same screenshots? it really dosent look that impressive..... the charecter models are almost world of warcraft...."

"Oblivion looked better XD"

"Really? Background doesn't look that great,"

"meh, never liked fable´s visuals and gameplay. Fable 2 hasn´t change my mind so far."

"looks average"

"You've either nevr played Oblivion, are high, or just want to hype up Fable 2 because it's coming out for your system of choice. My money is on the latter."

"The eerie thing about what we've seen so far about fable2 is that the environments are just fantastic while the character designs are bland and uninteresting."

"I was going to say that fabale 2 looked really good untill i seen the high res picks"

Positive? Sure. Overwhelmingly? Hardly

As in go buy us some coffee.


You have good points. But someone in the thread already mentioned that it's easier for a linear game to achieve better graphics than a more open game.

Now, everyone could be happy, but thats not good enuff for us. Because we are eager to prove, or at least starcraft is, that Fable 2 is the better superior game on all levels, even in a graphics comparison. ^^