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Gobias said:

Yes, you're right. ~3 people directly agreed with you on the fact that Fable looks better than Uncharted, that's well over half.

Except ~7 people agreed that Uncharted looks better. (Forgive me if my count is off, it's late, but the point remains)

You post said; ""Tell me how the gameplay video I linked to ended?"

I naturally assumed that the video you were talking about was the one called gameplay, but as I have already said the video differences are irrelevent so I won't dwell on this moot point. Perhaps if this was a gameplay discussion this would mean something, but we are talking in respect to graphics here, and obviously a trailer is supposed to give a better picture of the graphics then a gameplay demo.

If you think refuting my points about this game encompasses you saying "I have played uncharted and this 8 month old footage which I assume will be improved makes me think it will look better" then you are seriously wrong.

That's stating an opinion, you've refuted nothing. I clearly explained why the subject matters of the video is irrelevent, if you cannot understand that then I'm afraid it is you who are at fault.

Kind of sad that an aussie considers this aggressive.


You say the video differences are irrelevant?  So you HAVE watched the co-op demo now?  Now will you tell me how it ends (forgive me, but having never seen you post a positive thing about the 360, I struggle to take your word on things like this).

Trailers are supposed to do a great number of things.  That isn't always the case unfortunately.  For example, the original Too Human trailer was horrible, and turned a great number of people off the title.

You have misunderstood me.  I don't think that with improvements Fable 2 will look better than Uncharted, I think it ALREADY looks better than Uncharted.  I just think its likely that with more development time the difference will become more, not less pronounced.

You say I stated an opinion, and refuted nothing.  But given we are having a graphical debate, isn't your point an opinion too?

Also, up until your post, only six people had indicated a direct preference of Uncharted over Fable 2 or visa versa graphically.   The spilt was exactly 3:3.

Beyond that, opinions on Fable 2's graphics were overwhelmingly positive.  

I'd like to say that you had an unfortunate instance of miscalculation but...........


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