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Forums - General Discussion - I feel like I have no life.

Ah now it increased by about 10. And I have 2,000 posts in a month. I'm glad I'm going camping this thursday through sunday.

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Damn, 42 posts a day? You sir need some FAA(Forum Addicts Anonymous) to combat this. You joined months after me too and I only have like a measly 1,500 I think. I've gotta get cracking.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

2000 posts in less than a month X_X.

dont worry alot of us post alot here

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

sc94597 said:
I have a 5,000 post count and that kinda scares me. Next month I'm prolly not going to posting much though since alot of good ds games come out, but there is E3 so Idk. Also what post count do you become Obssesive? I always thought it was 5k.

Enjoy life if blogging is what you do then enjoy it.


Maybe next year you’ll be into something else.


Some people love music some people love cooking etc etc .


Life is to short enjoy it while you can.










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Don't listen to brute,sc.Really buddy you need to stop posting 2000 posts in one month is not healthy you should get a hobby like practice a sport or something else to do in your pass time.

Soriku said:
Holy. His posts/day average is bigger than mine now X_X


I told him that at this rate he will catch your post account by chrismas(I am not kidding).

ctk495 said:

Don't listen to brute,sc.Really buddy you need to stop posting 2000 posts in one month is not healthy you should get a hobby like practice a sport or something else to do in your pass time.

Like videogames? JK I'm going camping this thursday through sunday so hopefully that will break my addiction.


sc94597 said:
ctk495 said:

Don't listen to brute,sc.Really buddy you need to stop posting 2000 posts in one month is not healthy you should get a hobby like practice a sport or something else to do in your pass time.

Like videogames? JK I'm going camping this thursday through sunday so hopefully that will break my addiction.


I hope so.


Get a hobby that involves human interaction in any way and balance that hobby with this hobby.