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Forums - Gaming Discussion - do you think wii will ever get a 10 at IGN?

From what I have seen - if GTA4 is a "10", then SMG is also a "10" - its a lot more polished and innovative (IMO). MGS I haven't seen yet.

Metroid Prime 3 is no 10 - its something around a 9.

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shams said:
From what I have seen - if GTA4 is a "10", then SMG is also a "10" - its a lot more polished and innovative (IMO). MGS I haven't seen yet.

Metroid Prime 3 is no 10 - its something around a 9.

Yeah, I was thinking of Metroid Prime 1. They still didn't get it right.

^ive been wondering that for a while,why didnt they give SMG a 10 but they did to GTA4,there were no problems with SMG,they gave the graphics a 9.5 but it clearly had the best graphics on wii and looked very good,i didnt find anything wrong with it,yet it only gets a 9.7

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

ArtznCraphs said:
I don't see why not. It's not like they're hard to please. 10 IGN = 9 or 8.5 for a sane reviewer

But seriously, Metroid Prime 3 is a 10, they just didn't get the memo.

 I agree, the thing brought everything previously done in the prime series and made it better. It also took out alot of what reviewers were complaing about such as backtracking. 

^also they said it was the ebst in the series yet it scored less then metroid prime 1

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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If there ever is a Wii game that will get a 10, it will be a Zela game.

However, I don't think any Wii game will ever get a 10 from reviewers solely based on the graphics, or a least until Factor 5 puts out their game. They pretty much set the limit fo where a system's graphics can go.

Games will probably only get that 9.5 in grapics and nothing more. No matter how much we don't want to beleve it, the HD will linger in the back of a reviewer's mind, not even considering the actual system's graphical capabilities like they are supposed to. As for the Wiimote and its controls, it will probably always get criticized for:

Being used too much
Being utilzed too little
Making things unchallengingly easier (what they knocked RE4 for)
Making playing too hard/broken

The Wii is in a tough predicament and who knows if the "waggle" and "kiddie" mentalities will ever go away. But, until this "generation" is over, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

The only wii game i can see getting a 10 is Zelda, but the next Zelda would need to be really stunning and have some really great graphics for a wii game. It would also need to step up the gameplay aswell. Get a good next gen feel to the game and it could have a chance. I don't think the next SMG has a chance to get 10/10, unless they make big adjustments to the game.

It's possible, yes. But it's odd to see 10s given out so often on a site like IGN. Games have to do a lot usually to earn a 10 and they dont come along often. But if developers are willing to put in the time and effort to create a high quality game, then I guess there's a chance it will happen.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
MontanaHatchet said:
I don't think there's been a Wii game yet where the Wiimote hasn't caused at least one frustrating element. That said, it's perfectly achievable. I think it will be the next Zelda.

It's funny, most people complained about SMG because it didn't use the Wii-Mote enough. That said, imo, SMG is better than GTAIV, and I think it's hard to argue against that opinion, having completed both games. RE4 actually had improved controls thanks to the Wii-Mote, and PES is far superior to its HD counterparts.

10/10 on IGN isn't some magical achievement as much as it is proof that some reviewers at IGN need to re-examine their methods. 

 I don't think it would be too hard to argue against that, because that is just what you said it is, your OPINION.  It appears there are more people than not who disagree with YOUR opinion.  Maybe in your mind it would be hard to argue against it, but that again is just your take on things.  On a side note, SMG is firggin' awesome game, and I absolutely love it.  I am not saying GTAIV is better or anything (not saying it isn't either), just felt like pointing that out.  I think both games are great in their own right, but GTAIV obviously has more mass appeal. 

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i think the ign nintendo team are a little more realistic with their scoring.. like.. if they have a negative point, they'll deduct it from their numeric score.. that said.. who gives a shit about the numeric score