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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination increasing...

HappySqurriel said:

Impulsivity's post is representative of a lot of HD gamers ...

I would say that his inability to see the Wii as being successful and in direct competition with the PS3 and XBox 360 is mainly because he refuses to see games outside of the most narrow definition of what appeals to him, and he fails to recognize advancement that doesn't fall into his shallow opinions of what improvement is.

When you start to look at videogames in the broader sense, and look at how far the hardware technology has come from the Atari to the Wii, and then look at how little advancement has been made in the user interface from the NES to the XBox 360 it seems like it was about time to focus on something other than raw technical performance.

Agreed.  It's an elitist attitude that really gets under my skin.  Not every game has to be blood, guts and boobs (not that there's anything wrong with boobs).  I personally could care less about Carnival Games, NBA Live, Halo3 or lots of other games of different types.  But I can appreciate that other people do enjoy them and I wouldn't fault them for it.

It's a very narrow-minded point of view to believe that just because a game doesn't interest you that it shouldn't interest anyone else. 

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dib8rman said:

I remember the GC sold very very well in it's first years, in fact thats when it got a lot of it's sales, which then fizzled out over the next 4 years.

My logic is that the people who intended on getting the GC for it's value in software knew what they wanted in it's first two years, after that the PS2 had more value.

I just want to know what that value was; relative to the increase in value to the GC.

I can do the other prediction about the PS3 - but I'm figuring it's leading towards the PS3 doing a GC but in it's second year, meaning that the first half of it's third year is when it should virtually flatline like the GC.

I might of been a shift in what value was, I know Microsoft had done some Viral marketting to keep Nintendo out of the picture, but it was Sony who sold the most not Microsoft... just figured it would be interesting - sadly my PS3's browser is iffy =/.

Somethings missing though... I might be grabbing for straws.

I both agree and disagree with this ...

The main thing I would like to say is that third party publishers had a very different reaction towards the Gamecube than they did towards the Wii. Although their support for the Gamecube was far from fantastic, the little purple cube received quite a bit of high quality exclusive and multiplatform support from third party publisers in its first year but its inability to really take off (in terms of hardware sales) meant that most of the publishers focused their efforts elsewhere; which made it much more difficult for the Gamecube to sell well. As projects that were "In Development" for the Gamecube were announced as PS2 (and XBox) games without a Gamecube version the momentium slowly left the system.

The real risk for the PS3 and XBox 360 is the sales performance of the Wii will cause publishers to reallocate resources to the Wii; if these resources come from the PSP or PS2 that would be bad enough because these developers will not be making XBox 360 or PS3 games, but if they start breaking up development teams that are working on HD projects the PS3 and XBox 360 could face serious droughts because of how long it takes to produce HD games.

man o man you need a reality check. Of course most will be Wii games because they have been out for a longer time then ps3 and 360 games. Why do i not c halo 3? Gears? motorstorm? Call of duty? Ur opinion is bias.

@all: The comparison between PS3/360 to GC/XBOX is only a "light hearted" one, and may well be incorrect when analysed heavily.

But the idea is this:
- PS2 was heavily underpowered compared to the GC/XBOX
- PS2 is still selling, after 9 years (2000-2008) on the market
- GC/XBOX "retired" early
- currently, PS2 (say 120m?) has at least 60% of the "last-gen" market

If the current trends continue, I can see the same thing happening in a couple of years - Sony may have their hand forced. Wii may well end up with a 60% market share in this case.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

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Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099


this gen war can be just like the NES and GEN. Gen was way a head but lost whats ur point? that there are more casual gamers then hardcore?

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lol @impulsivity

No one talks about revenue unless they aren't making profit - which is why Sony and Microsoft reffer to their revenue, because they make less money than the hobo down the block from where live. Nintendo talks in profits because like you said, that's all they make.

I'm sorry your system of choice is dieng and your HD television will be useless in a few months and so on and so forth, I really am.

Have a good life.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

I think acceptance is setting in.

Gearbox said:
man o man you need a reality check. Of course most will be Wii games because they have been out for a longer time then ps3 and 360 games. Why do i not c halo 3? Gears? motorstorm? Call of duty? Ur opinion is bias.

LOL :)

Do you understand what the "worldwide weekly sales" chart actually means? This measures the top titles that are selling NOW (on a weekly basis).

This has NOTHING to do with "my opinion". Go ahead and include the next 50 titles if you want - in fact, if you include the top "1000" titles, and drop the limit down to "1" week - you'll get pretty much every title you want :) 


I doubt you even read the original post - both CoD's were in there. As such your post is now considered very much trolling - so don't repeat it. If you want to post, try doing it in a way that is informative and actually adds to the thread.


@all: if there is one easy critisicm to be made of this thread - it is very much "cherry picking". A better analysis would include the top#50 over a number of weeks, maybe with a differing weekly cutoff limit.

That said - in terms of statistics, I still think it shows what I claim it to.

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

This is a fun thread. Impulsivity is a fun person. He makes me smile.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

I still think by far the most interesting thing from the list is this:

- Wii/DS games pretty much have to be exclusives to sell well (over a long period of time)
- 360/PS3 games pretty much CAN'T be exclusives to sell well (over a long period of time)

...its also worth noting that any analysis based on "worldwide, weekly sellers" relies heavily on legs analysis (rather than total sales). On page #2, you'll find a little PS2 title "San Andreas"...

It would be interesting to take the top#200 worldwide weekly sellers, and sort by "number of weeks since release". Ninty would probably own the entire top#20, and 90% of the top#50. But the legs of their main games are well known by now. 

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099