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dib8rman said:

I remember the GC sold very very well in it's first years, in fact thats when it got a lot of it's sales, which then fizzled out over the next 4 years.

My logic is that the people who intended on getting the GC for it's value in software knew what they wanted in it's first two years, after that the PS2 had more value.

I just want to know what that value was; relative to the increase in value to the GC.

I can do the other prediction about the PS3 - but I'm figuring it's leading towards the PS3 doing a GC but in it's second year, meaning that the first half of it's third year is when it should virtually flatline like the GC.

I might of been a shift in what value was, I know Microsoft had done some Viral marketting to keep Nintendo out of the picture, but it was Sony who sold the most not Microsoft... just figured it would be interesting - sadly my PS3's browser is iffy =/.

Somethings missing though... I might be grabbing for straws.

I both agree and disagree with this ...

The main thing I would like to say is that third party publishers had a very different reaction towards the Gamecube than they did towards the Wii. Although their support for the Gamecube was far from fantastic, the little purple cube received quite a bit of high quality exclusive and multiplatform support from third party publisers in its first year but its inability to really take off (in terms of hardware sales) meant that most of the publishers focused their efforts elsewhere; which made it much more difficult for the Gamecube to sell well. As projects that were "In Development" for the Gamecube were announced as PS2 (and XBox) games without a Gamecube version the momentium slowly left the system.

The real risk for the PS3 and XBox 360 is the sales performance of the Wii will cause publishers to reallocate resources to the Wii; if these resources come from the PSP or PS2 that would be bad enough because these developers will not be making XBox 360 or PS3 games, but if they start breaking up development teams that are working on HD projects the PS3 and XBox 360 could face serious droughts because of how long it takes to produce HD games.