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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination increasing...

Ajax said:
Sonydomination starts with Little Big Planet
I'm sure it will do a lot better than "Eye of Judgement" did. But whether it captures the attention of the crowd outside of the Sony fanbase is yet to be seen.


Gesta Non Verba

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no thats all you point out anyway......all I am saying is that we have known this thing since ages....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


if SONY actually start advertising their games (not crappy ones like HAZE BTW), it might.....

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Shameless said:
Well, I for one am very happy that Carnival Games and Imagine: Fashion and all of the other amazing games are doing so well. Long live Nintendo indeed.

It takes a special kind of troll to cherry-pick two games out of a forty-some list, especially when those two are in the bottom ten.

konnichiwa said:
If M/S olympics pass 10 million sales will this not also mean it is probably the best sega selling game ever?

 Well if combining both versions it is already the best selling Sega game ever (Sonic 2 at 6 million)

Although Sonic 2 will have sold more on VC, but M&S combined will still surely be No1.

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As Nintendo becomes more dominant, things will only get worse for HD gaming.

Shameless nintendo did not make those games. Also if there are people who like those games who are we to criticise.


Rock Band broke 1.5 million on the 360 alone? That's mighty impressive.

Makes me wonder about how differently things might have gone for Steel Battalion if they had only changed a couple of things...

RolStoppable said:
1. Things will get worse.
2. No, Nintendomination hasn't reached its highest level yet.
3. Where's the third question? Aussies are supposed to ask three questions in their threads.

I agree with this marked man right here. 


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Nintendo is doing pretty good.

Nintendo still doomed?
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