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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New name for JRPG

I also agree that JRPG in general aren't RPGs. Pen and paper RPG's evolve on the fly like no computer game can. WRPG's are closer in general to RPG's but even then they're extremely restricted in comparison. Pen and Paper FTW

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i personally consider very few computer rpgs real rpgs. First all of them are too much based on the simple formula Combat=XP. Also usually combat is the only option to advance in story, no options to think outside the box and use other specialitys of the characters to avoid combat.

I played P&P rpgs now for nearly 20 years, and with a good GM the game world and the interaction with it will be far more important than combat. Yes a good camapign also needs some Boss fights, and some other enemies, but when the group is creative then they often can skip a lot of combat and a good GM will reward that even more than just slaying every ork you meet.

Anyway i know it will be really impossible to make a game with the flexibility of a good GM, but the more options you have to use alternate ways to reach goals the more the game will usually catch my interest.

Interesting thread and you draw some good points. I rate your thread 9.4.

My thread Rating system is on a scale from 9.0 to 10.0.

I always thought WRPG meant open-world, real time fighting such as oblivion and JRPG meant turn-based as that was more their style. Since then we have seen all sorts of permutations and the various RPG developers have looked for ways to set themselves apart from others in the genre -- i.e. real-time battle in a turn based package like we see in Eternal Sonata or taking out random battles of early JRPGs and replacing them with manageable encounters such as that seen in Blue Dragon.

This is a moot point for the very reason that everyone is trying to invent new ways to play RPGs. I say we go back to real-time and turn based and then just add the details. I still look at RPGs through this filter and then get the specific details of the game to determine if it is something I want to play.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

Console RPGs you could call them. Where the WRPGs are PC RPGs, eventhough you can find them also on the consoles now.


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Ajax said:
Console RPGs you could call them. Where the WRPGs are PC RPGs, eventhough you can find them also on the consoles now.
I think we should stick with Console RPGs and PC RPGs because JRPGs and WRPGs are stupid terms IMO


Riachu said:
Ajax said:
Console RPGs you could call them. Where the WRPGs are PC RPGs, eventhough you can find them also on the consoles now.
I think we should stick with Console RPGs and PC RPGs because JRPGs and WRPGs are stupid terms IMO


Those labels don't explain the game types at all.  They only state the platforms they are on.  Not all games called RPGs that are on consoles are JRPGs.  

 I give that post a 9.6.

Thank god for the disable signatures option.

Profcrab said:
Riachu said:
Ajax said:
Console RPGs you could call them. Where the WRPGs are PC RPGs, eventhough you can find them also on the consoles now.
I think we should stick with Console RPGs and PC RPGs because JRPGs and WRPGs are stupid terms IMO


Those labels don't explain the game types at all. They only state the platforms they are on. Not all games called RPGs that are on consoles are JRPGs.

I give that post a 9.6.

American game designers can make a console RPG if they wanted to.  Forgive me if I don't know exactly how the industry works.  Game concepts are made by one person though there is some input from others every now and then.